Nīlakantha dhāranī

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The Nilakantha Dharani also known as Mahā Karuna Dhāranī, popularly known as the Great Compassion Mantra in English, and known as the Dabei Zhou (大悲咒) in Mandarin Chinese, is a dharani of Mahayana Buddhist origin. It was spoken by the bodhisattva Avalokitesvara before an assembly of Buddhas, bodhisattvas, devas and kings, according to the Mahakarunikacitta Sutra. Like the now popular six-syllable mantra, it is a popular mantra syonymous with Avalokitesvara in East Asia. It is often used for protection or purification.

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[edit] The Origin

Twelve scrolls of Nīlankantha Lokesvara (Blue necked Lord of the world) texts were found in the Dunhuang (敦煌) stone cave along the Silk Road in today Gansu (甘肅), the western province of China. It is notable that sramana Bhagavaddhrama accomplished the translation at Khotan in south India. The Nīlakanthaka (Text of Nīlakantha) was translated into Chinese by three masters in the seventh and early eighth century. First by Chih-t’ung twice during 627-649 AD (T. 1057a and T. 1057b, Nj. 318), second by Bhagavaddharma during 650-660 AD (T. 1059 and T. 1060, Nj.320), and third by Bodhiruci in 709 AD (T. 1058, Nj. 319).

The Sidham script of Chinese Tripitaka (T. 1113b, 20.498-501) was corrected by a comparison with the Chi-t’ung (worked 627-649 AD); which is found in the Ming Tripitaka. All the Sanskrit texts in the Ming Tripitaka were collected together by Rol-pahi rdorje in the quadri-lingual collection of dhāranīs which bears the title: Sanskrit Texts from the Imperial Palace at Peking, abbreviated to STP. The prime objective was to restore the Sanskrit text with the help of the Tibetan texts. The Rol-pahi rdorje’s reconstruction (STP. 5.1290-6.1304) of the Nīlankanthaka as transcribed by Chi-T’ung during 627-649 (T. 1057b, Nj. 318) is longer than that of Amoghavajra 不空金剛 and is proved to be a remarkable effort at textual reconstruction undertaken as early as the first half of the eighteen-century. However, Chi-t’ung's version is rarely mentioned in the Mahayana tradition.

The Nīlankantha Dhāranī was translated into Chinese by Vajrabodhi 金剛智(worked 719-741 AD T.1112), twice by his disciple Amoghavajra 不空金剛 (worked 723-774 AD, T. 1111, T. 1113b) and in the fourteenth century by Dhyānabhadra (worked 1326-1363 AD, T. 1113a). Amoghavajra's 不空金剛 version (T. 1113b) was written in Siddham script in the Chinese Tripitaka (T. 1113b, 20.498-501). Because the script is corrupt beyond recognition in many cases that the Chinese masters could easily adapt it into Buddhism. This version has been the most wide spread ever since and its popularity has never worn out to this day.

[edit] Hindu account

(MODIFIED POPULAR VERSION) Nīlakantha Dhāranī from STP (5.1290-6.1304) by Chih-t'ung (worked 627-649 A.D.), Ming edition of the Chinese Tripitaka. (Lokesh Chandra, Sanskrit Texts from the Imperial Palace at Peking (STP) Parts 1-22, New Delhi 1968-1977, International Academy of Indian Culture)

Nīlakantha Dhāranī (The Blue Necked Dhāranī)

Namo ratna-trayāya
Adoration to the triple Gem

[I. Initial Salutation]
Nama āryāvalokite-śvarāya bodhisattvāya mahā-sattvāya mahā-kārunikāya 1
Adoration to the noble (ārya) Lord (īśvarā) who looks down (avalokite), the enlightened sentient being (sattva), the great being, the merciful (kārunikā) one!

[II. Name of Avalokite-śvarā]
Om sarva-bhaya-śodhanāya tasya namaskrtvā imu Ārya-valokite-śvarā tava namo Nīlakantha 2
Om! Having paid adoration to One who dispels all fears, the nobel (ārya) Avalokiteśvarā, adoration to the blue-necked (Nīlakantha) One!

[III. śloka enunication of the merit of the hrdaya-dhāranī]
Hrdayam vartayisyāmi sarvārtha-sādhanam śubham 3 ajeyam sarva-bhūtānām bhava-mārga-viśodhakam 4
I shall enunicate the heart dharani which ensures all purpose, is pure and invincible for all beings, and whcih purifies the path of existence.

[IV. Dhāranī]
Tadyathā: Om Ālokādhipati lokātikrānta 5
Like this: Om! Lord of Effulgence, the World-Transcending One.

ehy mahā-bodhisattva sarpa-sarpa 6 smara 7 smara hrdayam 8
Come, great bodhisattva, descend, descend. Please remember (smara) my heart dharani.

kuru-kuru karma 9 dhuru-dhuru vijayate mahā-vijayate 10
Do, do the work. Hold fast, hold fast, Victor, the great Victor (vijayate)

dhara-dhara dhārinī-rāja cala-cala mama vimalā-mūrtte 11
Hold on, hold on, King of the Dharani. Move, move onto my spotless (vimalā) image.

ehi ehi 12 chinda chinda 13 aras pracali 14 vaśa-vaśam pranāśaya 15
Come, come, the vow, the vow of the admantine king, destoy, destroy every poison.

hulu-hulu smara hulu-hulu 16 sara-sara siri-siri suru-suru 17
Quick-quick, please remember, quick-quick. Desend-desend, desend-desend, desend-desend;

bodhiya-bodhiya bodhaya-bodhaya 18 maitriya Nīlakantha [dehi me] darsanam 19
Being enlightened, being enlightened; enlighten me, enlighten me. Merciful Blue-necked One (Nīlakantha) appaear [unto me].

Praharāyamānāya svāhā 20 siddhāya svāhā 21 mahā-siddhāya svāhā 22 siddhayogīśvarāya svāhā 23
To you who sees us, hail! To the Successful one hail! To the Great Successful one hail! To the Successful Lord (īśvarā) of the yogis, hail!

Nīlakanthāya svāhā 24 varāha-mukhāya svāhā 25 narasimha-mukhāya svāhā 26
To the Blue-necked one (Nīlakantha) hail! To the Boar-faced One hail! To Man-Lion faced One hail!
gadā-hastāya svāhā 27 cakra-hastāya svāhā 28 padma-hastāya svāhā 29
To one who bears the mace (gadā) in his hand, hail! To the holder of discus (cakra) in his hand, hail! To One who sports a lotus (padma) in his hand, hail!

Nīlakantha-pāndarāya svāhā 30 Mahātali Śankaraya svāhā 31
To Blue-necked One smeared (with holy ashes), hail! To the mighty Śankara (Auspicious one) hail!
(Āvalokiteśvarā sometimes appears as a yogi smeared with ashes.)

[V. Final Salutation]
Namo ratna-trayāya 32 Nama āryāvalokite-śvarāya bodhisattvāya svāhā 33
Adoration to the Triple Gem, adoration to the noble Āvalokiteśvarā (Lord who looks down), the enlightened being, hail!


  • Avalokitesvara: Lord who looks down. The name is made of four parts: the verbal prefix ava, which means "down"; the verb lok, which means "to look"; the suffix ita, which changes the verb avalok into a noun, "one who looks down"; and finally īśvarā menas "lord" or "master".
  • Hindu trinity: Brahma, Visnu (Hari/Hare) , Śhiva(Hara). 108 names of Śhiva: Nīlakantha(2,19,24,30)- nila (blue)- kantha (throat); whose throat is shining blue. Śankara(31): Auspicious One.
  • Yogīśvara(23): Lord ( īśvarā) of Yogis, an epithet of Śhiva
  • Gadā-hastā, cakra-hastā, padma-hastā(27-29): Holder of mace, wheel and lotus. Visnu(Hari) holds mace, discus, lotus and conch(sankha ) in his four hands, except conch is missing in the dharani. The mace represent the power of knowledge, discus is the terrible weapon to destroy the evil, lotus symbolizes beauty, harmony and purity, the conch stands for the five elements, the sound of OM. Hari-hara Loka-śvarā (Lord of the world) is one of the 108 forms of Avalokite-śvara (Lord who looks down), He is sitting on a lotus (padma-sthita).
  • Om ... Svaha: In a vedic mantra literally, om ("I am"), sva-aha(sva "self", -aha, "spoken") IE. Om....svaha means "I am......self-spoken!". It means much more in Mahayana Buddhism.
  • Sattva: existence, being. Sat (true, real, good), tva ("-ness"). Sattva means realness, goodness, truth and has coming to mean "real being" or "true existence".
  • Varha-mukha( 25)-boarfaced, Narasimha-mukha(26): Visnu(Hari) has 23 incarnations, here are the Boar reincarnation (varaha-avatara) and Man-lion reincarnation (nara-simha-avatara).



( 唐-三藏法師金剛智譯版 )


Namo Ratna Trayaya.

Namah Arya Avalokitesvaraya

Bodhisattvaya Mahasattvaya Mahakarunikaya

Sarva Bandhana Chedana Karaya .

Sarva Bhava Samudram Sosana Karana.

Sarva Vyadhi Prasamana Karaya.

Sarva Mrtyu Upa-Drava Viansana Karana .

Sarva Bhaye Su Trana Karaya.

Tasmat Namas – Krtva Idam

Arya Avalokitesvara Bhastinam Nilakantha

Pi Nama Hrdayam Avarta Isyami

Sarvartha-sadhanam Subham Ajeyam

Sarva Bhutanam Bhava Marga Visuddhakam

Tadyatha, Om Aloke Aloka-mati Lokati Krante.

He Hare Arya Avalokitesvara

Maha bodhisattva , He Boddhisattva , He

Maha bodhisattva , He Virya Bodhisattva

He Mahakarunika Smara Hradayam.

Hi Hi , Hare Arya Avalokitesvara Mahesvara Parama

Maitra-Citta Mahakarunika.

Kuru Kuru Karman

Sadhaya Sadhaya Vidyam.

Ni Hi , Ni Hi Varnam Kamam-Game .

Vitta-Kama Vigama.

Siddha Yogesvara .

Dhuru Dhuru Viryanti, Maha Viryanti .

Dhara Dhara Dharendresvara.

Cala Cala Vimala Amala Murte

Arya Avalokitesvara Jina Krsna Jata-Makuta

Valam Ma Pra-Lamba Maha Siddha

Vidya dhara.Vara Vara Maha Vara .

Bala Bala Maha Bala.

Cala Cala Maha Cala

Krsna-Varna Nigha Krsna – Paksa Nirghatana.

He Padma-Hasta Cara Cara Desa

Caresvara Krsna –Sarpa Krta Yajnopavita

Ehyehi Maha Varaha-Mukha,Tripura-Dahanesvara

Narayana Va Rupa Vara Marga Ari .

He Nilakantha , He Mahakara ,

Hala hala Visa Nir-jita Lokasya.

Raga Visa Vinasana.

Dvesa Visa Vinasana.

Moha Visa Vinasana

Huru Huru Mala, Huru Huru Hare, Maha Padmanabha

Sara Sara , Sri Sri , Suru Suru ,

Bhu ruc Bhu ruc

Buddhaya Buddhaya , Boddhaya Boddhaya

Maitri Nilakantha Ehyehi Vama

Shitha Simha-Mukha Hasa Hasa,

Munca Munca Mahattahasam Ehiyehi Pa

Maha Siddha Yogesvara

Bhana Bhana Vaco

Sadhaya Sadhaya Vidyam.

Smara Smaratam Bhagavantam Lokita

Vilokitam Lokesvaram Tathagatam Dadahi

Me Drasana Kamasya Darsanam

Pra-Hiadaya Mana Svaha.

Siddhaya Svaha.

Maha Siddhaya Svaha

Siddha Yogesvaraya Svaha

Nilakanthaya Svaha

Varaha-Mukhaya Svaha

Maha-dara Simha-Mukhaya Svaha

Siddha Vidyadharaya Svaha

Padma-Hastaya Svaha

Krsna-Sarpa Krta Yajnopavitaya Svaha

Maha Lakutadaharaya Svaha

Cakrayuddhaya Svaha

Sankha-Sabdani Bodhanaya Svaha

Vama Skandhadesa Shitha Krsnajinaya Svaha

Vyaghra-Carma Nivasanaya Svaha

Lokesvaraya Svaha

Sarva Siddhesvaraya Svaha

Namo Bhagavate Arya Avalokitesvaraya Bodhisattvaya

Maha Sattvaya Mahakarunikaya

Sidhyanthu Me Mantra-Padaya Svaha .

All of the bolded wording refering to Hindu God Shiva And Vishnu . (HINDU ACCOUNT)

[edit] Sinoyana account

Amoghavajra's 大廣智不空 Transliteration (worked 723-774 AD) in Siddham script from Chinese Tripitake (Taisho Edition T.1113b, 20.498-501 cf.1111-1113A) is transcribed below. Nīlakantha (Blue-Necked), the title of Avalokitesvara is substituted by Nīlakandi in Amoghavajra's translation (T. 1113b). It is a central Asian form: Uigur nominative singular ending in i. and has come to mean the virtuous one.

Mahā Karuna Dhāranī (The Great Compassion Mantra 大悲咒)
(Reconstructed Sanskrit text)

[I. 前行 Initial Salutation]

Namo ratna-trayāya namo ārya-valokite-śvarāya 1
Adoration to the Three Gems, adoration to the noble Avalokiteśvarā (look upon-sound)
皈依 三寶, 皈依 聖 觀音,

bodhisattvāya mahā-satvāya mahā-kārunikāya 2
the enlightened sentient being, the great being, the merciful (one)!
覺有情, 大士, 大悲心(者)!

[II. 觀音名 Name of Avalokite-śvarā]

Om sarva rabhaya sudhana-dasye 3
Oneness with all saints (and their) rightous doctrine (rightous-joyous language)
皈依 一切 聖眾 (及) 正教(喜悅的正語).

Namo skrtva i-mon ārya-valokite-śvarāya ramdhava namo narakindi haraye 4
After the adoration to that noble(arya) Avalokiteśvarā of the Mercy (Fragrant) Land, I Offer my respectful obeisances to the virtuous supreme lord.
頂禮 完畢 彼 洛迦山 (慈悲地/香山) 之聖 觀音, 頂禮 (彼) 賢善尊.

[III. 功德迴向 śloka enunication of the merit of the hrdaya-dhāranī]

mahā-vadhasame 5
(Who emits) great brilliance light

sarva āthaduh śubhum ajeyam sarva-satva 6
all sentient beings (sarva-satva) are without attachment (āthaduh) and in undefeatable(ajeyam) purity (śubhum) in all things.
(令)一切 眾生 在 一切 無比 無貪 妙 淨.

Nama vasatva namo vaga mavadudhu 7
Adoration to the joyful being , adoration to the joyful virgin who served by all heavenly beings;
皈依 大樂有情, 皈依 大樂童子 (他受)天人所親近.

[IV. 咒文 Dhāranī]

Tadyathā: Om avaloke loka'te 8
Like this: Oneness with/adoration to the seer (avalokite) of the world (loka)- (Avalokiteśvarā)
咒曰: 合一/皈依 觀世 (者)

kara'te e-hre mahā-bodhisatva 9 sarva sarva mālā mālā 10
whose(ye) compassionate heart(hrdayam). The great sentient enlightened being; all, all, are garland (immaculate), garland (immaculate),
(他)大悲心. 大覺有情 一切一切 (的) 花蔓(清淨 ), 花蔓(清淨 )

mahe māhredayam 11 kuru kuru karmum 12
great liberated heart, accomplish, accomplish the task (karma),
大 自在心, 作(此),作(此) 義業.

dhuru dhuru vijayate maha-vijayate 13 dhara dhara dhirini śvarāya 14
(who)liberate, liberate; the victorious one, the great victorious one (who) hold on, hold on the brave freedom (īśvara)
度脫,度脫, 的勝者, 大勝者, (他) 能持,能持 勇猛 自在,

cala cala mama vamara muktele 15
lead, lead to my immaculate liberation
(令) 動(變化) 動(變化) 我所 離垢 解脫.

ehe ehe cinda cinda arasam pracali 16 vaśa-vaśam prasaya 17
(Please) come, come; (fulfil) the pledge, the pledge; the admantine king of awakening (who) rules, rules the peace (prasada).
順召,順召, 弘誓, 弘誓, 法王, 法王子 (覺身之子), (他)統治, 統治 和平. [統治和平的法王, 法王子 請來完我弘誓].

huru huru mārā 18 huru huru hrīh 19
purify, purify personification of delusions, purify, purify the heart(hrdayam)
行, 行無垢; 行, 行隨心;.

sārā sārā siri siri suru suru 20 bodhiyā bodhiyā bodhaya bodhaya 21
firm, firm ; brave, brave ; wonder form(being), wonder form(being). Enlightenment, enlightenment, the enlightened one, the enlightened one.
堅固, 堅固; 勇猛, 勇猛; 妙色, 妙色. 覺道(罷), 覺道(罷); 覺者,覺者 [覺者- 堅定 勇猛 的 妙者, 覺道了]

Maitrīya nārakindi 22 dharsininā pāyamānā svāhā 23 siddhāya svāhā 24
The benevolent, virtuous one, success in power and fame, success in benevolence,
大慈 大賢(悲)者 , (他) 堅利名聞 成就, 義利 成就,

mahā-siddhāya svāhā 25 siddha-yoge śvarāya svāhā 26 nārakindi svāhā 27
success in great benevolence, success in achieving freedom (īśvara) through union (with dharma), success in virtures
大義利 成就, 相應而得 自在 成就, 賢愛 成就,

māranāra svāhā 28 śīrasam āmukhaya svāhā 29 sarva mahā-asiddhāya svāhā 30
success in immaculate joy, incomparable success in ultima convincing speech, incomparable success in all profound meaning
無垢妙樂 成就, 愛攝語 究竟無比 成就, 一切 大義無比 成就,

cakra asiddhāya svāhā 31 padmaka stāya svāhā 32
incomparable success in (turning) the wheel , success in the red lotus (immaculate) deed,
(轉)法輪 無比 成就, 紅蓮 (妙 淨 ) 義業 成就,

nārakidi vagarāya svāhā 33 mavari sankharaya svāhā 34
success in (becoming a) virtuous Bhagavan (blessed one), success in own prestige nature
賢愛 尊 成就, (具)威德 自性 成就.

[V. 結分 Final Salutation]

Nama ratna-trayāya, nama ārya-valokite-śvarāya svāhā 35
Refuge in the Triple Gem, take refuge in the success of noble Avalokite(look upon) śvarā(sound)
皈依 三寶, 皈依 聖 觀音 (之)圓滿.

om siddhyantu mantra padāya svāhā 36
oneness (om) with the success (svaha) of achieving (sidhyantu) these invocation (mantra) verses (pada)!
(天人)合一 令成就 咒句 圓滿. [令(我)圓滿 成就(此)真言句]!


Avalokiteśvarā: Avalokite(look upon) + loka(world) + śvarā(sound).
Cakra: pronounced 'chakra', means wheel, as in wheel of life (bhava-cakra) or wheel of law.
mahasiddhas: the attatainment of extraordinary abilities (siddhi). Maitri: kindness, benevolence.
Mala: (lit.) "garland", symbolize "immaculate".
Mara: death, the devil. Embodiment of the selfish attachments and temptations that bind one to the cycle of birth and death.
namo, namah, namas: take refuge in, rely on, put trust in, pay homage to, adoration to, greeting!
Om: means oneness with the Supreme, the merging of the physical being with the spiritual. The most sacred syllable, the first sound of Almighty. This scared syllable appears as a mystic sound, regarded as the basis of every other mantra. It is the sound not only of origination but also for dissolution.
Nīlakandi: nominative singular of 'Nīlakantha' in Uigur, a central Asian form.

[edit] Great Compassion Mantra in other languages

[edit] In Mandarin Chinese

In Mandarin (Hanyu pinyin), transliterated from Siddham text.

1) Na Mwo He La Da Nwo Dwo La Ye Ye
2) Na Mwo E Li Ye
3) Pwo Lu Jye Di Shau Bwo La Ye
4) Pu Ti Sa Two Pe Ye
5) Mwo He Sa Two Pe Ye
6) Mwo He Jya Lu Ni Jya Ye
7) Nan
8) Sa Pan La Fa Ye
9) Swo Da Nwo Da Sye
10) Na Mwo Syi Ji Li Two Yi Meng E Li Ye
11) Pe Lu Ji Di Shr Fwo La Leng Two Pe
12) Na Mwo Nwo La Jin Chr
13) Syi Li Mwo He Pan Dwo Sa Mye
14) Sa Pe E Two Dou Shu Peng
15) E Shr Yun
16) Sa Pe Sa Dwo Na Mwo Pe Sa Dwo
17) Na Mwo Pe Chye
18) Mwo Fa Te Dou
19) Da Jr Two
20) Nan
21) E Pe Lu Syi
22) Lu Jya Di
23) Jya La Di
24) Yi Syi Li
25) Mwo He Pu Ti Sa Two
26) Sa Pe Sa Pe
27) Mwo La Mwo La
28) Mwo Syi Mwo Syi Li Two Yun
29) Jyu Lu Jyu Lu Jye Meng
30) Du Lu Du Lu Fa She Ye Di
31) Mwo He Fa She Ye Di
32) Two La Two La
33) Di Li Ni
34) Shr Fwo La Ye
35) Je La Je La
36) Mwo Mwo Fa Mwo La
37) Mu Di Li
38) Yi Syi Yi Syi
39) Shr Nwo Shr Nwo
40) E La Shen Fwo La She Li
41) Fa Sha Fa Shen
42) Fwo La She Ye
43) Hu Lu Hu Lu Mwo La
44) Hu Lu Hu Lu Syi Li
45) Swo La Swo La
46) Syi Li Syi Li
47) Su Lu Su Lu
48) Pu Ti Ye Pu Ti Ye
49) Pu Two Ye Pu Two Ye
50) Mi Di Li Ye
51) Nwo La Jin Chr
52) Di Li Shai Ni Nwo
53) Pe Ye Mwo Nwo
54) Swo Pe He
55) Syi Two Ye
56) Swo Pe He
57) Mwo He Syi Two Ye
58) Swo Pe He
59) Syi Two Yu Yi
60) Shr Pan La Ye
61) Swo Pe He
62) Nwo La Jin Chr
63) Swo Pe He
64) Mwo La Nwo La
65) Swo Pe He
66) Syi Lu Seng E Mu Chywe Ye
67) Swo Pe He
68) Swo Pe Mwo He E Syi Two Ye
69) Swo Pe He
70) Je Ji La E Syi Two Ye
71) Swo Pe He
72) Bwo Two Mwo Jye Syi Two Ye
73) Swo Pe He
74) Nwo La Chin Chr Pan Chye La Ye
75) Swo Pe He
76) Mwo Pe Li Sheng Jye La Ye
77) Swo Pe He
78) Na Mwo He La Da Nwo Dwo La Ye Ye
79) Na Mwo E Li Ye
80) Pwo Lu Jye Di
81) Shau Pan La Ye
82) Swo Pe He
83) Nan
84) Syi Dyan Du
85) Man Dwo La
86) Ba Two Ye
87) Swo Pe He

[edit] In Vietnamese

1. Nam mô hắc ra đát na đá ra dạ da
2. Nam mô a rị da
3. Bà lô yết đế thước bát ra da
4. Bồ Đề tát đỏa bà da
5. Ma ha tát đỏa bà da
6. Ma ha ca lô ni ca da
7. Án
8. Tát bàn ra phạt duệ
9. Số đát na đát tả
10.Nam mô tất kiệt lật đỏa y mông a rị da
11.Bà lô kiết đế thất Phật ra lăng đà bà
12.Nam mô na ra cẩn trì
13.Hê rị, ma ha bàn đa sa mế
14.Tát bà tát bà a tha đậu du bằng
15.A thệ dựng
16.Tát bà tát đa na ma bà tát đa
17.Na ma bà dà
18.Ma phạt đạt đậu đát điệt tha
19.Án. A bà lô hê
20.Lô ca đế
21.Ca ra đế
22.Di hê rị
23.Ma ha bồ đề tát đỏa
24.Tát bà tát bà
25.Ma ra ma ra
26.Ma hê ma hê rị đà dựng
27.Cu lô cu lô yết mông
28.Độ lô đồ lô phạt xà da đế
29.Ma ha phạt xà da đế
30.Đà la đà ra
31.Địa rị ni
32.Thất Phật ra da
33.Giá ra giá ra
34.Mạ mạ phạt ma ra
35.Mục đế lệ
36.Y hê di hê
37.Thất na thất na
38 Ra sâm Phật ra xá lợi
39.Phạt sa phạt sâm
40.Phật ra xá da
41.Hô lô hô lô ma ra
42.Hô lô hô lô hê lỵ
43.Ta ra ta ra
44.Tất rị tất rị
45.Tô rô tô rô
46.Bồ Đề dạ Bồ Đề dạ
47.Bồ đà dạ bồ đà dạ
48.Di đế lỵ dạ
49.Na ra cẩn trì
50.Địa rị sắc ni na
51.Bà dạ ma na
52.Ta bà ha
53.Tất ddà dạ
54.Ta bà ha
55.Ma ha tất đà dạ
56.Ta bà ha
57.Tất đà dũ nghệ
58.Thất bàn ra dạ
59.Ta bà ha
60.Na ra cẩn trì
61.Ta bà ha
62.Ma ra na ra
63.Ta bà ha
64.Tất ra tăng a mục khê da
65.Ta bà ha
66.Ta bà ma ha a tất đà dạ
67.Ta bà ha
68.Giả kiết ra a tất đà dạ
69.Ta bà ha
70.Ba đà ma kiết tất đà dạ
71.Ta bà ha
72.Na ra cẩn trì bàn đà ra dạ
73.Ta bà ha
74.Ma bà rị thắng yết ra dạ
75.Ta bà ha
76.Nam mô hắc ra đát na đa ra dạ da
77.Nam mô a rị da
78.Bà lô kiết đế
79.Thước bàn ra dạ
80.Ta bà ha
81.Án. Tất điện đô
82.Mạn đà ra
83.Bạt đà gia
84.Ta bà ha.

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