Mystic projection
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Mystic projection is an ancient term which precedes the contemporary term astral projection, coined in the 19th Century by Madame HP Blavatsky (1831-91). Middle Realms out-of-body experience include those projections to the Physical, Real Time Zone, Ethereal Plane and Astral Plane. Astral Projection is a name for OBE to the lower, middle and higher Astral Planes which are in the 4th to 5th Dimension. Etheric projection is a term for OBE to the Ethereal Planes.
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[edit] Two basic models of projection
Mystic Projection concerns those OBE which are in the lower and higher realms. One method of Mystic Projection is phasing, which is the Robert Monroe Model of attaining various focus levels of consciousness. Another method is by the projection of a mental body. But Mystic Projection includes a variety of advanced projections from the various stones or Dantian, each of which manifests a different projecting body. These include projection of the Higher self through the Dantian, for example. These higher realms have been mapped out, documented and observed historically. Some of the temples explored in mystic projection are ancient. Shambhala is one of the ten spiritual realms in the Buddhist cosmology.
[edit] Two types of the mystic model of projection
"As above so below" is the premise of the Emerald Tablet of Thoth. A mystic belief is that all of the spiritual realms may be attained within the body, external to the body and on the body. The sephiroth on the Tree of Life.
Internal Projection is a method of turning consciousness within the self in meditation. Robert Monroe is a famous proponent of the phasing model of mystic projection. He taught that all the realms lie within and that one merely needed to expand the consciousness to perceive them. This, he felt, was facilitated by listening to prescribed audio stimulation and The Monroe Institute in Virginia continues his research, long after his death .
External Projection is a method of OBE which can be used to attain the Higher Realms. Franz Bardon also mapped out the realms but he wrote about projecting outside of the body to access the higher planes through control of the hermetic elements.
[edit] Historical perspective on mysticism
The Vedas are an extremely large series of writings originating in Ancient India written down between[b] 2500 and 500 BCE. Vedas meaning knowledge have no beginning or end, they are the scriptural foundations of Hinduism. The ancient Rishis who wrote these accepted that the complete knowledge of the Universe could never fit in any book, so there would always be new things to discover. The Vedas are considered Shruti or revealed texts. They were not given by a prophet, but heard by many different Rishis, very advanced Yogis, during deep meditation.
The Upanishads were written down by sages of India to whom they were revealed in mystic meditation between the eighth and fourth centuries BC. The word Upanishad literally means "sitting down near" and implies studying with a teacher from spirit. The Upanishads are the teachings of the sages on mysticism.
In the Vedas and the Upanishads the world gets the first glimpses of the chariot of the Gods and the animals of the sphinx as well as the Mother Kundalini serpent and Dragons. Some occultists argue that akasha, hermetic elements and chakras are first presented in this lore.
[edit] 2,500 years ago
The death of the one called Buddha was about 483 BC. Buddha means "One who is intuitive, awakened, or enlightened." Siddartha Gautama is said to have lived eighty years, and was probably born in 563 BC. Like the sages of the Upanishads, Siddartha practiced yoga and meditation. According to legend, this whole process occurred in one night after he had decided to sit under a tree until he became enlightened or died. It was also said that he was tested by Mara, the tempter, but Siddartha could not be swayed from his purpose. Thus darkness and ignorance were dispelled by the light as Siddartha Gautama became enlightened and was henceforth known as the Buddha. Buddha spoke about the realms and described Shamballah.
"There is no meditation without wisdom and no wisdom without meditation, for in meditating one becomes wise; but in not meditating wisdom is lost. Whoever has wisdom and meditation is close to nirvana."
- Lift up your self by yourself;
- examine your self by yourself.
- Thus self-protected and attentive
- you will live joyfully, mendicant.
- For self is the master of self;
- self is the refuge of self.
- Therefore tame yourself,
- like a merchant tames a noble horse.
- Joyful and faithful in the doctrine of the Buddha,
- the mendicant finds peace,
- the joy of ending natural existence.
[edit] Jewish mysticism
Jewish mysticism is chronicled in the Dead Sea Scrolls, such as the Song of the Sabbath Sacrifice. Some parts of the Talmud and the midrash focus on mysticism. The archangel priest Metatron is described in mystical texts from the Talmud.
[edit] Greek mysticism
Pythagoras (approx. 582 BC–507 BC, Greek: Πυθαγόρας) mathematician was also founder of the mystic, religious and scientific society called Pythagoreans known for their belief in the transmigration of souls. They developed rules of living which they believed would allow their souls to ascend to a higher rank among the Gods.
Plato(Greek: Πλάτων, Plátōn, "wide, broad-shouldered") (c. 427–c. 347 BC) wrote on many topics including metaphysics. Plato and Pythagoras shared a "mystical approach to the soul and its place in the material world."
Aristotle (Ancient Greek: Αριστοτέλης, Aristotélēs) (384 BC – March 7, 322 BC) was an ancient Greek philosopher, credited to be the first author on metaphysics including discussions of the Hermetic elements. He wrote "On Marvellous Things Heard" Mirabilibus Auscultationibus and was forthright about his metaphysical experiences which he called "direct insights" . Italic text
[edit] Gnostic mysticism
Gnosis(γνῶσις) refers to knowledge of the second kind attained in mystic vision being specially receptive to esoteric experiences of direct participation with divinities.
Jewish gnosticism antedates Christianity, biblical exegesis had already existed for five hundred years. Judaism had close contact with Babylonian-Persian ideas for at least that length of time, and for nearly as long a period with Hellenistic ideas. Magic was an important part of the doctrines and manifestations of gnosticism.
[edit] Biblical mysticism
Ezekiel and Daniel are among biblical forefathers gifted with mystic visions. Jacob saw angels and climbed his ladder to the heavens. The Christian apocalyptic Book of Revelation is clearly mystical. Exodus, Chronicles and Ecclesiastes record the kaballah, alchemy magick and visions.
[edit] Gnostic apocrypha
2000 years ago Christ taught in the Pistis Sophia and the Gospel of Judas how to project out of one's self to visit the spirit realms of Barbello, and to manifest four element angel selves . Some believe that Christ was an Essene Mystic Jew.
[edit] Islamic mysticism
1500 years ago Muslims believe that God revealed his direct word for humanity to Muhammad (c.570–632) in mystic vision. Muhammad is the prophet of Islam who revealed his mystic travels in a "chariot of fire" to see the angels in their realms. The Merkabah is the chariot of mystic fire believed to surround the human activated by raising energy into the energy body. Thus began a great wave of Islamic Alchemy that is credited to have given back to the Zorah what was lost from spoken tradition when Jewish and Islamic alchemists collaborated in medieval Spain. Today there is still a branch of Islamic Mysticism called Sufism. Muslims believe that the angel Gabriel revealed the Qur'an in a mystical manner.
[edit] Medieval mysticism
800 years ago several mystical brotherhoods functioned in Europe starting in the 12th Century; "Iyyun Circle" and the "Unique Cherub Circle", and "Hasidei Ashkenaz."
[edit] Kaballahistic mysticism
500 years ago Zohar "Splendor" is an important text of Kabbalah. It is a mystical commentary on the Torah, written in Medieval Aramaic. Rabbi Moshe de Leon is believed to have written it himself before he published it in Spain in the 13th century. He claimed to discover the text of the Zohar in visions.
The Kabbalistic teachings of Rabbi Isaac Luria (1534-1572) made him the most influential mystic in Jewish history. Rabbi Israel ben Eliezer (1698-1760) in the area of Ukraine spread teachings based on Rabbi Isaac Luria's foundations, simplifying the Kabbalah for the common man continuing the role of the rabbie as dispensor of mystical divine blessings and guidance.
[edit] 400 years ago
Nostradamus (December 14, 1503 – July 2, 1566) born Michel de Nostredame is well known for his prognostic visions. Were his mystic travels into clairvoyant consciousness projections into the changing fabric of the future? He worked with a quatropodo and entered a meditative trance. He is best known for his book Les Propheties, 1555.
Jakob Böhme (1575–1624) was a German Christian mystic and alchemist.
In the 1580s, John Dee sought to contact angels through the use of a "scryer" or crystal-gazer. Dee maintained that angels dictated books to him in a special angelic or Enochian language. His son Arthur was also an alchemist and hermetic author. Dee received support from Queen Elizabeth but was widely reviled as an evil magician.
The Rosicrucian Order is a legendary and secretive Order publicly documented in the early 17th century composed of great "Adepts."
Isaac Newton (4 January 1643 – 31 March 1727) reportedly laboured all day long in physics and chemistry studies, but he spent all night in mystic visions in his lab as an alchemist. His journals chronicle his deep spiritual belief that all could be put right if humanity would only improve themselves. Attacks made against pre-Enlightenment "magical thinking," and the mystical elements of Christianity, were given their foundation with Boyle's mechanical conception of the universe which Newton popularised.
Eliphas Lévi, born Alphonse Louis Constant, (February 8, 1810 - May 31, 1875) was a French occult author and magician. With Bulwer-Lytton, Lévi wrote a treatise on magic expounding on attaining mystic visions.
[edit] Modern mystics
Madame Blavatsky (1831-1891) is believed to have coined the terms "astral" and "new age". She used the term "astral" to refer to the double or phantom body. Astral was also used to describe the lowest of the seven principle planes above the physical. Blavatsky distinguished various parts of the human energy body as the linga sarira or astral double and the mayavi-rupa. She believed that linga sarira could be separated in projection and that the mayavi-rupa had the power to create apparitions of the dead. H.P. Blavatsky claimed to make regular mystic contact with the spirit teachers. She is known for her communications with the Masters Koot Hoomi and Morya. She affirmed that in her writings she was giving out the teachings of an adept brotherhood of spirit.
Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook (1864-1935) inspired Religious Zionism with mystical writings.
Hermetic Kabbalah first became popular in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. The ten Kabbalistic Sephiroth were injected with Greek and Egyptian deities, the Enochian system of angelic magic of John Dee, and Hindu and Buddhist concepts within a Rosicrucian-style order. Many of the Golden Dawn's rituals were published by the legendary occultist Aleister Crowley and were eventually compiled into book form by Israel Regardie. Crowley claimed to have mapped out the realms transcending the black cube of the mystic and crossing the abyss.
Franz Bardon (December 1, 1909 – July 10, 1958) was a Czech occultist best known for his three volumes on Hermetic magic; Initiation Into Hermetics, The Practice of Magical Evocation and The Key to the True Kabbalah. "Many consider him to have written the best training programs of any magician of the 20th century." Bardon's Ten Step Path of the Magician as detailed in Initiation into Hermetics lays out a path to complete the Emerald Tablet of Alchemy and to begin mystic projection to the realms by control of the Hermetic elements.
Carl Gustav Jung (July 26, 1875 – June 6, 1961) was a Swiss psychiatrist and founder of analytical psychology. He was also a mystic and alchemist who wrote openly about his fascination and preoccupation with his clairvoyance of spirits and angels in his later years.
Alice Bailey (16th June, 1880 ‑ 15th December, 1949), author of 23 books on subjects such as the path of spiritual evolution, the Spiritual Hierarchy, spiritual meditation as a form of service for human beings, esoteric healing, cosmology of the realms, and the initatic process. Like Blavatsky, she claimed to have been gifted with spiritual instruction from Master Kuthumi. Later in her life she claimed to have been instructed by Master Djwhal Khul, known as The Tibetan.
Manly Palmer Hall (March 18, 1901 - August 29, 1990), was a Canadian-born author and mystic. He is famous for his work "The Secret Teaching of All Ages: An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy."
Robert Monroe (1915–1995) was a metaphysical researcher and author of Journeys Out of the Body. This Virginia businessman claimed to have had his first out-of-body experience in 1958. He founded The Monroe Institute and developed a method he called Hemi-Sync to induce astral projection. Hemisync is a synchronization of the brainwaves of both of the brains' hemispheres or lobes.
Dr. James Hurtak wrote "The Book of Knowledge: The Keys to Enoch". He collaborated Jean-Luc Bozzoli a Visionary Artist on Merkabah Voyage of the Star Seed which includes a depiction of Shamballah.
Dr. Joshua David Stone authored many books on achieving mystic visions of initiation and ascension including Complete Ascension Manual.
[edit] External links
[edit] Supportive
- "Upanishads",
- "Vedas",
- "Buddha",
- "World Tree of Life",
- "Jewish Enclyclopedia",
- "32 Essene Heavens",
- "Blavatsky archives",
- "Alice Bailey ",
- "Bardon Companion",
- "Monroe Institute",
- "Dr. Joshua David Stone",
- "Ascension",
- "Enoch",
- "Merkabah Voyage of a Starseed",James Hurtak Video
- "Upanishads",Kheper Net
- "Upanishads", Kheper Net
- "Sant Mat Creation",Kheper Net
- "Chain of Being", Kheper Net
- "AdamKadmon", Kheper Net
- "Cosmology",Kheper Net
- "Planes", Kheper Net