Myles Allen

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Dr Myles R Allen is head of the Climate Dynamics group at University of Oxford's Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics Department. He is the Principal Investigator of and is principally responsible for starting this project.

He has worked at the Energy Unit of the United Nations Environment Programme, the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxfordshire, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

He contributed to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as a Lead Author of the Chapter on detection of change and attribution of causes[1], and is a Review Editor for the chapter on predictions of global climate change for the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report[2]. His research focusses on the Attribution of recent climate change and assessing what these changes mean for Global climate model simulations of the future.

[edit] Papers

Paper written include:

  • Do-it-yourself climate prediction
M Allen - Nature, 1999 -
  • Uncertainty and climate change assessments
Webster, HD Jacoby, RG Prinn, M Allen, S Raper, J … - Science, 2001 -
  • Uncertainty in the IPCC's Third Assessment Report
M Allen, S Raper, J Mitchell, J Reilly, PH Stone, … - Science, 2001 -
  • Liability for climate change
M Allen - Nature, 2003 -
  • Distributed computing for public-interest climate modeling research
Stainforth, J Kettleborough, M Allen, M Collins, A … - Computing in Science & Engineering, 2002 -
  • Human Influence on the Atmospheric Vertical Temperature Structure: Detection and Observations
SFB Tett, JFB Mitchell, DE Parker, MR Allen - Science, 1996 -
  • Causes of twentieth-century temperature change near the Earth's surface
SFB Tett, PA Stott, MR Allen, WJ Ingram, JFB … - Nature, 1999 -
  • Correlations between altimetric sea surface height and radiometric sea surface temperature in the …
MS Jones, T Guymer, M Allen, M Saunders - Journal of Geophysical Research, 1998 -
  • Quantifying uncertainties in climate system properties with the use of recent climate observations
CE Forest, PH Stone, AP Sokolov, MR Allen, MD … - Science, 2002 -
  • Quantifying the uncertainty in forecasts of anthropogenic climate change
MR Allen, PA Stott, JFB Mitchell, R Schnur, TL … - Nature, 2000 -
  • Monte Carlo SSA: detecting irregular oscillations in the presence of coloured noise
MR Allen, LA Smith - J. Climate, 1996 -
  • Constraints on future changes in climate and the hydrologic cycle
MR Allen, WJ Ingram, D Stainforth - Nature, 2002 -
  • Attribution of twentieth century temperature change to natural and anthropogenic causes
Stott, SF Tett, GS Jones, MR Allen, WJ Ingram, JF … - Climate Dynamics, 2001 -
  • Casino-21: Climate Simulation of the 21 stCentury
JA Hansen, M Allen, D Stainforth, A Heaps, P Stott - World Resources Review, 2001 -
  • Model error in weather and climate forecasting
M Allen, J Kettleborough, D Stainforth - Proceedings of the 2002 ECMWF predictability seminar, ECMWF, …, 2002 -
  • Climateprediction. net: Design Principles for Public-Resource Modeling Research
A Akkas, R Gault, M Collins, D Gavaghan, M Allen - Proc. 14th IASTED conference on parallel and distributed …, 2002 -
  • Implications of changes in the Northern Hemisphere circulation for the detection of anthropogenic …
NP Gillett, GC Hegerl, MR Allen, PA Stott - Geophysical Research Letters, 2000 -
  • Wind speed effects on sea surface emission and reflection for the along track scanning radiometer
PD Watts, MR Allen, TJ Nightingale - J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol, 1996 -
  • Constraining uncertainties in climate models using climate change detection techniques
CE Forest, MR Allen, PH Stone, AP Sokolov - Geophysical Research Letters, 2000 -
  • Optimal filtering in singular spectrum analysis
MR Allen, LA Smith - Phys. Lett. A, 1997 -
  • The role of stratospheric resolution in simulating the Arctic Oscillation response to greenhouse …
NP Gillett, MR Allen, KD Williams - Geophysical Research Letters, 2002 -
  • Estimation of natural and anthropogenic contributions to twentieth century temperature change
DC Hill, JFB Mitchell, MR Allen, WJ Ingram, TC … - Journal of Geophysical Research. D. Atmospheres, 2002 -
  • Sensitivity analysis of the climate of a chaotic system
DJ LEA, MR ALLEN, TWN HAINE - Tellus A, 2000 -
  • Climate sensitivity and tropical moisture distribution
A Sinha, MR Allen - J. Geophys. Res, 1994 -
  • Towards objective probabilistic climate forecasting
MR Allen, DA Stainforth - Nature, 2002 -
  • Assessing the relative roles of initial and boundary conditions in interannual to decadal climate …
M Collins, MR Allen - J. Climate, 2002 -
  • Evidence for nonlinearity in observed stratospheric circulation changes
NP Gillett, MP Baldwin, MR Allen - Journal of Geophysical Research, 2001 -
  • A comparison of competing explanations for the 100,000-yr ice age cycle
GH Roe, MR Allen - Geophysical Research Letters, 1999 -
  • Origins of model-data discrepancies in optimal fingerprinting
GC Hegerl, MR Allen - Journal of Climate, 2002 -
  • Sensitivity analysis of the climate of a chaotic ocean circulation model
DJ Lea, TWN Haine, MR Allen, JA Hansen - Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2002 -
  • Estimating signal amplitudes in optimal fingerprinting. Part II: application to general circulation …
PA Stott, MR Allen, GS Jones - Climate Dynamics, 2003 -
  • Reconciling Two Approaches to the Detection of Anthropogenic Influence on Climate
NP Gillett, GC Hegerl, MR Allen, PA Stott, R … - Journal of Climate, 2002 -
  • Assessing the robustness of zonal mean climate change detection
SFB Tett, DE Parker, P Stott, GS Jones, MR Allen - Geophysical Research Letters, 2002 -
  • The blame game
MR Allen, R Lord - Nature, 2004 -
  • Natural and Anthropogenic Causes of Twentieth-Century Temperature Change
SFB Tett, WJ Ingram, MR Allen, GS Jones, JFB … -
  • Reducing Uncertainties of Global Warming
RA Kerr, CE Forest, PH Stone, AP Sokolov, MR Allen … - Science, 2002 -
  • Empirical parametrization of tropical ocean-atmosphere coupling- The'inverse Gill problem'
M ALLEN, M DAVEY - Journal of Climate, 1993 -
  • Detection and attribution of changes in 20th century land precipitation
FH Lambert, PA Stott, MR Allen, MA Palmer - Geophysical Research Letters, 2004 -
  • Effects of subsurface ocean dynamics on instability waves in the tropical Pacific
SP Lawrence, DT Llewellyn-Jones, MR Allen, DLT … - Journal of Geophysical Research, 1998 -
  • Estimating signal amplitudes in optimal fingerprinting, part I: theory
MR Allen, PA Stott - Climate Dynamics, 2003 -
  • Detection of change and attribution of causes
M Allen -
  • Observational constraints on climate sensitivity
M Allen, N Andronova, B Booth, S Dessai, D Frame, … -
  • Security Principles for Public-Resource Modeling Research
C Christensen, J Kettleborough, T Aina, M Allen - Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Workshops on …, 2004 -
  • Risks Associated with Stabilisation Scenarios and Uncertainty in Regional and Global Climate Change …
D Stainforth, M Allen, D Frame, C Piani -
  • A Real Options Analysis of a GHG Sequestration Project
Laughton, A Weaver, N Gillett, M Webster, M Allen … -
  • Comparisons of altimetric sea surface height and radiometric sea surface temperature in the South …
M Jones, M Allen, T Guymer, M Saunders, P … - ERS Symposium on Space at the Service of Our Environment, 3 …, 1997 -
  • Quantifying the uncertainty in forecasts of anthropogenic climate change
MR Allen, PA Stott, JFB Mitchell, R Schnur, TL … -
  • A Comparison of Competing Theories of The 100,000-yr Ice Age Cycle
GH Roe, MR Allen - EGS XXVII General Assembly, Nice, 21-26 April 2002, abstract …, 2002 -
  • Possible or probable? Climate
MR Allen -