My Brother's Keeper

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"My Brother's Keeper"
Danny Phantom episode
My Brother's Keeper title card, "Presented in Phantomation"
Season 1
Number 9
Prod. code 009
Airdate June 25, 2004
Writer(s) Sib Ventress, Steve Marmel
Directors Wincat Alcala, Butch Hartman, Juli Hashiguchi
Ghost Appearances Penelope Spectra (1st), Bertrand (1st)
Abbreviation MBK
Previous episode
Prisoners of Love
Next episode
Shades of Gray

"My Brother's Keeper" is the ninth episode in the TV-series Danny Phantom. A new guidance counselor named Penelope Spectra starts a chain reaction of depressed students as at the same time Jazz tries to figure out what could be wrong with her brother.

[edit] Episode Summary

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Spirit Week is coming to Casper High and Mr. Lancer thrills over its glory, telling Jazz nearby about his glory days as a male cheerleader. Jazz puts asides the thought to talk with him over the concern of her brother Danny. As Jazz talks this matter over how strange his behavior is, Danny fights a blob-like ghost inside the new guidance counselor's office, completely wrecking it. Unfortunately, Lancer and Jazz spot him inside the wrecked room, but all Danny is concerned about is his failure to capture the ghost.

Penelope Spectra in her disguise
Penelope Spectra in her disguise

New counselor Penelope Spectra retains an optimistic attitude despite her trashed office while Jazz laments on the raised air conditioning that makes the room so cold everyone's own breath could be seen. Spectra's mere excuse is given as, "it keeps the mind icy sharp". Danny remains angry towards his sister for ratting him out, then leaves when Mr. Lancer orders him to do so while he decides on his punishment. Afterwards, he praises Jazz to Spectra who is to give a speech for Spirit Week. Spectra was given the job here as both a motivational speaker and teen therapist to "pep up" the kids in Casper High in time for the speech on Wednesday. Spectra, alongside with her assistant Bertrand shows Jazz their plans to topple dominos that spell, "Casper Spirit" which will trigger the spirit sparklers. Jazz, seeing her over optimistic nature, thinks Danny will benefit from her, so with a push from Lancer, Danny is given a session with her.

Only a few seconds in and Spectra already sees the complaints Danny keeps making. She claims afterwards that Jazz called him both a "baby" and "loser" to which Danny retaliates in shock and anger. Spectra gives Danny a pep talk and sends him off. When she and Bertrand are left in private, Spectra sucks up Danny's depression to forever give her a youthful look. Seeing Danny is like a "walking spa treatment" to her, Bertrand (now revealed as the shapeshifting ghost blob Danny fought earlier) decides to up the ante. Turning into a giant wasp, he goes to wreck havoc.

Danny complains about his sister's insults to his friends to which Sam notices Jazz wouldn't say such a thing. Jazz comes over to counsel Danny, but he's far too angry with her, so he runs off, concerning her further. Bertrand then comes to attack, cornering Jazz until Danny comes to the rescue and takes him outside the school yard to fight. However Danny performs poorly and he gets away, causing him to doubt himself once more. Jazz, now having witnessed ghosts for the first time is ecstatic to tell Danny. However when she tells Danny back home later at night, Danny denies seeing anything. Still concerned for him, Jazz calls in her last resort: Jack and Maddie who rush in to see what is the matter with Danny. Danny quickly changes the subject to Jazz witnessing a ghost to which the two parents then aim their attention towards her while Jack shows off with his latest invention, the Portable Fenton Ghost Peeler.

Jazz spots Danny transforming into Danny Phantom
Jazz spots Danny transforming into Danny Phantom

The next day at school, Jazz confronts Danny's friends who despite her urges, refuses to expose anything secret about Danny. Danny himself however gets caught pulling the fire alarm by accident courtesy of Bertrand. As a result, he gets another session with Spectra. She gives Danny a diaper, top hat, and banner to put on much like an outfit of the New Year's baby to help him overcome his fear of being called a baby, although Danny expresses it's the word "loser" he fears being called. Throughout the school, Danny becomes the laughingstock for his outfit.

At an ice cream parlor, Danny talks with his friends over his constant depression. Jazz coming over further makes him even more stressed. His ghost sense goes off afterwards, so he rushes after Bertrand. Unfortunately for Danny, Jazz runs after him with Sam and Tucker following behind to keep his secret from being exposed. They reach too late as Jazz sees Danny turn into his alter ego. She quickly shouts this revelation to Sam and Tucker. Sam immediately denies the existence of ghost while Jazz continues to suspect Danny, now for a different reason. Meanwhile Danny fights off Bertrand (now shapeshifted to a puma) and loses once again.

Back home, Jazz eyes Danny and tells him compassionately that she merely cares for him, despite her pushy personality. Danny however still refuses to talk things over with Jazz. By school the next day, nearly every single teenager who has come out of Spectra's session are incredibly depressed. Danny, using Tucker's PDA which contained photos he took when Danny was in the baby costume suspects his breath was his ghost sense and not from the air conditioning Spectra put in (only using that as a front to disguise her as a ghost). Thinking she's the one responsible for causing all the teen depression, Sam and Tucker volunteer to go over, only to come out depressed as well. Danny enters afterwards and witnesses Spectra sucking up more teenage depression as well as overhear her and Bertrand's plans to kill Jazz through the Spirit Sparkler which will cause enough depression to keep the two looking youthful for all eternity.

Ms. Spectra sucks up teenage depression to keep herself youthful as Danny watches in secret.
Ms. Spectra sucks up teenage depression to keep herself youthful as Danny watches in secret.

Danny ambushes the two, fighting off both of them at the same time (with Spectra revealing her ghostly form). Elsewhere, Jazz makes her speech to a throw of depressed teenagers. Afterwards, Lancer starts the dominos. Danny, now finally sick and tired of self-doubting himself (and stating how his sister remained optimistic no matter how much she got the cold shoulders from him) finally gets the edge to fight and captures Bertrand in the Fenton Thermos. Afterwards, he races after to save Jazz, taking her to an empty room. There Spectra corners Danny, ready to finish him off until Jazz comes in with the Fenton Ghost peeler. Using it, she removes all the layer of skins Spectra has, reducing her into a shriveled old lady, making her an easy catch for Danny.

Jazz eyes Danny once more, then runs off, pretending she's scared of such a ghost giving Danny an easy escape. Jazz smiles privately, stating "He can tell me when he's ready". Reunited with Lancer, she returns to the stadium where every single teenager has their spirit back, including Danny.

[edit] Trivia/Goof

  • When Jazz sees the ghost wasp for the first time, she reacts as though she has never seen a ghost before, yet in the previous episode, "Prisoners of Love", she witnesses the Box Ghost.
  • After Danny threw Spectra into the dumpster, he suddenly turned intangible and cried "Jazz!", however, his mouth didn't move when he said it.
  • When Spectra has Danny against the wall, she also knocked the Fenton Thermos out of his hands. However, moments later it reappeared on his back.