
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am Martin Wallner and I am fascinated with Wikipedia. So far the information that I found on Wikipedia is just fabulous, in particular history and geography. Thanks to everybody who has contributed so far. I hope I have some time to contribute to Wikipedia in the future and to make science more understandable and accessible.

I got my training as a chemist/biochemist/molecular biologist at the Technical University in Graz (Austria). Now I work as a research scientist in Los Angeles at the University of Califonia (UCLA) on ion channels. The research we do draws on technical advances in Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Electrophysiolgy and Bioinformatics. I have published work on voltage gated sodium channels, potassium channels (in particular the BK channels) and, more recently, also on GABA receptors, the main inhbitory neurotransmitter receptor system in the brain. I think I have the most fascinating job in the world being part of a scientific community that (I think) is on verge to understand in molecular detail how our brain works.

In the moment our particular interest is how alcohol (the stuff that we drink as alcoholic beverages), at relevant concentrations that cause mild to moderate intoxication in humans, increases the activity of unique subtypes of GABA receptors. Our current focus is the relationship between ethanol and other drugs that act on these receptors i.e. benzodiazepines, barbiturates and other general anaesthetics (i.e. propofol and etomidate) that all appear to have their primary action by enhancing these inhibitory GABA(A) receptors. However, many details on how exactly this happens, in particular concerning the GABA receptor subtype specificity, are unkown.

If you like get in contact with me please write me an e-mail either at my private mail: or at my work address: --Mwallner 06:34, 24 July 2005 (UTC)

Below I am going to add a list of selected publications: