Mutiny of Aranjuez

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The Mutiny of Aranjuez, or Motín de Aranjuez as it is known in Spain, was an early nineteenth century popular uprising against King Charles IV, which managed to overthrow him and place his son, Ferdinand VII, on the throne. Although it is generally considered to be the first directly political act of the Spanish people, it is known that many of Ferdinand's supporters took part in inciting the revolt.

[edit] Prelude

Manuel of Godoy, by Goya. Prime Minister of Charles IV
Manuel of Godoy, by Goya. Prime Minister of Charles IV

The mutiny was initially directed towards the Prime Minister, or valido, of Charles IV, Manuel de Godoy. Godoy, a former member of the Royal Guard, was highly unpopular with both the Spanish peasants and the nobles. The people were upset at his ambitious nature, his flirting with many women of the court, and his willingness to sign unbeneficial treaties with France against Great Britain. The nobles were also annoyed at the fact that Godoy had attained enormous power without belonging to their social stratum.

Another important factor was the economic crisis that was affecting the country, heightened after Spain lost its Navy in the battle of Trafalgar of 1805, damaging its trade with the American colonies. This caused food shortages and damaged industrial production.

Ultimately, and this was probably the final straw, the king and Godoy had allowed French Emperor Napoleon's troops to cross Spain in order to attack Portugal, which wouldn't adhere to Napoleon's embargo on Great Britain. This move was extremely unpopular with the Spanish people, who saw the entry as an invasion, which it would soon become. The French troops rapidly occupied important cities like San Sebastián, Pamplona and Barcelona, thus causing a strong sentiment against the French and Godoy.

[edit] The Mutiny

The uprising itself occurred on the March 17, 1808 in the town of Aranjuez, about 48 km south of Madrid, where the royal family and the government were installed at the time. Members of popular classes, soldiers and peasants assaulted Godoy's residence and captured him, and made King Charles dismiss the prime minister. Two days later, the court forced Charles IV to abdicate and give the throne to his son and rival, Ferdinand VII.

[edit] The Aftermath

Emperor Napoleon found the situation of great interest to his political plans, and, under the false pretence of solving the problem, invited both Charles IV and Ferdinand VII to Bayonne, France. Both monarchs were afraid of the French ruler's power and thought it appropriate to accept the invitation. However, once in Bayonne, Napoleon forced both Charles and Ferdinand to renounce the throne of Spain and grant it to himself. The Emperor then named his brother Joseph Bonaparte king of Spain. This episode is known as the Abdications of Bayonne, or Abdicaciones de Bayona in Spanish.

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