Music of the Balearic Islands

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Music of Spain
Andalusia Aragon
Balearic Islands Basque Country
Canary Islands Castile, Madrid and Leon
Catalonia Extremadura
Galicia, Cantabria and Asturias Murcia
Navarre and La Rioja Valencia
Genres: Classical - Flamenco
Jazz - Folk - Hip hop - Opera - Pop - Rock
Timeline and Samples
Awards Amigo Awards
Charts AFYVE
Festivals Benidorm, Eurovision, Sonar
Media Fans, La Revista 40, Mundo Joven

Xeremiers or colla de xeremiers is a traditional ensemble that consists of flabiol (a five-hole tabor pipe) and xeremies (bagpipes). Majorca has produced popular singer-songwriters like Maria del Mar Bonet.British DJs like Paul Oakenfold made the vacationing island of Ibiza a capital of house music, leading to the creation of Balearic Beat. Francesc Guerau and Antoni Literes are among the best known classical composers of the islands.

[edit] Samples

  • Download recording - "Alfonso Doce" Minorcan song from the Library of Congress' Florida Folklife from the WPA Collections; performed by Maria Hugas de Aceval on September 26, 1939 in St. Augustine, Florida

[edit] Bibliography

  • Antoni PizĂ : Alan Lomax: Mirades Miradas Glances (Barcelona: Lunwerg / Fundacio Sa Nostra, 2006) ISBN 84-9785-271-0