- Achterhoek Dances, The
- Action Cut (a)
- Advance Attack
- Adventure Begins, The
- Against the Law (b, c, e)
- Age of Discovery
- Airs and Graces (a)
- Alekoki
- Alex on the Road
- Alien Spacecraft (a)
- Alley Cats
- Aloha
- Aloha Oe
- Andy Anorak
- Anguish
- Arizona Fanfare
- Arnold is Back (1)
- Astronauts March
- Awakening Memories
- Award Winners (a)
- Baby Elephant
- Bachelor Life, The (a, c)
- Background Blues
- Bad Tempi (1)
- Bartmania (a)
- Bashful Eyes
- Bat Stabs
- Battle at Sea
- Beach Party
- Beast Within, The
- Bell Hop (a)
- Big Bad Giant
- Big Ed's March
- Blackbeard
- Black Stockings
- Blood in the Gutter
- Blow the Man Down [two different tracks]
- Blue Dobro (a)
- Bobby Shaftoe
- Bonnie Blue Gal
- Botany Bay (b, c)
- Break-Thru
- Brutal (a-c)
- Buenos Aires (b)
- Build Up
- Busy Life
- Calling all Clowns
- Calliope Carousel
- Call to Destiny (a)
- Camilla
- Camptown Races
- Can Can [two different tracks]
- Candy Floss
- Caped Crusader
- Catwalk
- Cell 501
- Cha Cha Nova
- Chariot Race
- Chase that Car
- Chilling Championship, A
- Circus Comes to Town!, The
- City Heat
- Classic Soap (1A, 14)
- Cocktail Lounge
- Cold Fear
- Comic Cues
- Comic Tension (a)
- Comic Walk
- Cosmic Cloud
- Creature, The (a)
- Crepe Suzette
- Crime Busters, The
- Crime Time (2, 3)
- Crocodile Tears (a)
- Curtain-Raiser
- Dancing the Hula
- Dangerous (a-c, e)
- Danger Zone
- Dapper Don
- Dashing White Sergeants
- Day by the Sea, A (a)
- Deadline
- Dead March (2)
- Death in the City
- Death Trap
- Deep Grief (1)
- Desperate Dilemma
- Dialogue Blues
- Dickhauter
- Dingle's Regatta
- Dirty Work at the Crossroads
- Disneyland
- Dissonance
- Dombummel
- Domestic Fun (a, b)
- Down by the Riverside
- Drama Link (a, b, d-g)
- Dramatic Climax
- Dramatic Cue (a-h)
- Dramatic Impact (1-3, 5, 6)
- Dream of Tomorrow
- Drunken Sailor, The (b)
- Eastside Story (a)
- Elemental Power
- Enter the Villain
- Entry of the Heroes (a, e)
- Epic Struggle
- Er Indoors
- Facing the Challenge
- Fairies (a)
- Falling in Love
- Fanfare for a King
- Fates
- Fight! Fight! Fight! (a)
- Fight the Beast!
- Finders Creepers
- Finger of Fear
- Finger of Suspicion (2)
- Fingerpickin'
- Flight in Panic (1)
- Flop and Go (a)
- Fly by Night
- Folli the Foal
- Footsteps of Horror
- For Fun Only
- Four Horsemen, The
- Frankenstein's Niece (a)
- Friends and Neighbors
- Full of Beans
- Fully Fashioned
- Fun at the Seaside
- Funeral March [two different tracks]
- Funeral Music
- Funny Little Man
- Furtive Footsteps
- Gala Performance
- Gala Premiere
- Games Played in the Dark
- Gay Dog
- Gay Time
- Girl I Left Behind Me, The
- Glissando (i)
- Glory Road
- Goodbye Rodney
- Good Bye Samba (a)
- Gorgeous Girl
- Graveyard
- Great Achievements
- Great Moments
- Gunfighter, The
- Hackney Carriage
- Happy Christmas Medley
- Happy End
- Happy-Go-Lively
- Happy Holiday
- Happy Jose
- Hat, a Cane, A
- Haunted Castle, The
- Hawaiian Beach
- Hawaiian Breeze
- Hawaiian Calypso
- Hawaiian Cocktail
- Hawaiian Farewell
- Hawaiian Flower
- Hawaiian Hula
- Hawaiian Link (a, b)
- Hawaiian Party
- Hawaiian Train
- Head Over Heels (a)
- Heavenly Voices
- Heavy Footsteps (a)
- Hello Sailor (b)
- Heraldic Overture
- Here Comes the Band! (a)
- Heroes Win
- Hey Buddy
- High Speed Action
- Hilo Rag
- Hippo's in my Bath
- Hit and Run [two different tracks]
- Hog Fever (a)
- Holiday Dream
- Holiday Magic
- Holiday Playtime
- Hollywood Fanfare
- Hollywood Heyday
- Honolulu Lula
- Honolulu March
- Horlepiep
- House of Horror
- Housewives Choice
- Hustle and Bustle
- Hymn of Achievement
- Impression
- Inferno
- In the Cradle (a, b)
- In the Taverna
- Into the Wilderness
- Irish Patriot, The
- Italian Summer
- Jarabe Tapatio (a)
- Jerry Cotton
- Jingle Bells (d)
- Jingle Bell Swing
- Jitters, The
- Jolly Sleighride, The
- Journey to the Magic Island
- Jovial Buccaneers, The
- Jovial Jack
- Joy to the World
- Jungle Baby
- Kamakani (b)
- Keel Row
- Kerry Polka
- Killer Birds
- Killing Ground, The (a)
- King Conga
- King Kong Coming
- King's Codpiece, The
- King's Fanfare, The
- Kings Messenger
- Knight Errant
- Konfetti
- Lambs in Clover
- Latin Lesson
- Laughter
- Legends of Hollywood (a)
- Let's Dance Susanna
- Life Drifts By (a)
- Life of Luxury
- Life on the Wild Side
- Life or Death
- Light and Easy
- Lighting the Fuse (a, b)
- Like Strange
- Limelight Waltz
- Lineman, The
- Linked Romantic Movements
- Lonely Heart's Club
- Lonely Stranger
- Lonely Violin
- Lullaby
- Lumbering Giant
- Lurching Monster
- Lynda's Music Box
- Magical Effect (e)
- Mambo Fantastico
- Maniac Pursuit
- Marching to Honolulu
- March of the Aliens
- March of the Ants, The
- March to Battle
- Maui Beach
- Maui Girl
- Meet the Family
- Me for You
- Melodrama
- Menace
- Menace from the Deep
- Merry Hunters, The
- Merry March, The (a)
- Metropolis
- Miss World (c)
- Mists of Illusion
- Mob, The
- Moloka'I Nui (a)
- Moon Walk
- Mounting the Scaffold (1)
- Mud
- Music to Drive By
- My Horse and I
- Mystery X
- National Mourning
- Next Door Neighbor
- Night Butcher
- Night Chill
- Non Stop
- Off to Play
- Of Love and Destiny
- O.K. Mr. Hillbilly (instrumental)
- Old Hilo March
- O Makalapua (b)
- On Fire
- On the Beach
- Open and End Fanfare
- Orchestral Ending (d)
- Overture
- Oyster Girls
- Panic Stricken
- Panther Prowl
- Parallel Dimension
- Pastime
- Pell-Mell
- People's Court
- Pepito from Tampico (a)
- Pikanterie
- Pink Lilac
- Pirate's Life for Me, A (a)
- Playing with Toys
- Plot Thickens, The
- Police Car
- Pomp and Ceremony
- Popcorn
- Poppin' Around
- Power Plant
- Primitive Force
- Proclamation (a)
- Pua Paoakalani (b)
- Queen's Aloha Oe (b, c)
- Quiz Organ (b)
- Rake Hornpipe, The
- Ramblin' Man from Gramblin'
- Reach for the Stars
- Ready for Combat
- Reckless Rufus
- Reinstating the King
- Rescue
- Retreat
- Revelation
- Rococo Rondo
- Romance and Rhapsody
- Royal Hawaiian Hula
- Royal Tableau
- Running Bass
- Sailing Over the Dogger Bank
- Sailor's Waltz
- Savage Episode
- Saw Theme
- Saxaboogie
- Say it with a Smile (a, e)
- Scared Stiff
- Screw on the Loose
- Search Party (1)
- Secret Service
- Send them Victorious (b)
- Sergeant Jones
- Shock Attack
- Shock Horror (a)
- Show Fanfare (1, 3, 4)
- Showtime (c)
- Silly Season
- Six Powerful Cues (d-f)
- Sleigh-Ride
- Slick in the City
- Slippery Sid
- Sneak Up
- So Tired
- South Pacific Island II
- Sovereign's March, The
- Space Critters (a)
- Speaking Guitar
- Spindlelegs
- Spring Cleaning
- Springtime for Lovers
- Stack of Leis
- Stadium Rave (a)
- Stand Boys Stand
- Stand-Up Comic (b-d)
- Star Prizes (a)
- Stars and Games
- Stealth by Night
- Stepping into Danger
- Steve's March
- Stiff Upper Lip
- Stop Press
- Strange Goings-On
- Stranger in Town, The
- Street Scene
- String Fashion
- Sugar Beat
- Sugar Plum Fairy 59
- Sunset Strip
- Sunshine in Hawaii
- Super Hero
- Supernatural (1)
- Superquick (a)
- Surfer Baby (a, d)
- Surfin' Fun
- Surfin' Summer (a, b)
- Surfin' Summer Girls
- Surf's Up! (a)
- Sweet and Lovely
- Sweet Annabelle
- Sweet Victory (1)
- Sword Fight
- Sword of Damocles, The
- Take a Bow (1)
- Taking Up Positions
- Tale of Ben Hur, The (1)
- Tales from the Swamp (a-c)
- Tea Dance
- Tearjerker
- Terror by Night
- Theatreland
- They're Coming!
- Time for Bed
- Time for Terror
- Timpani - Military (d)
- Tip Top Polka, The/Cliff Polka, The
- Titi de Paris
- Tom Fool
- Tomfoolery
- Tonight Live (c)
- Too Tired
- Torn Apart
- Towerstreet 17
- Toys for Boys
- Trafficscape
- Tribute to the King
- Tripping Upstairs
- Triumphant Return (1)
- Trombone Cha Cha
- Troop Movement
- Trumpet Call (1)
- Try On and On
- Twang Bar Blues (1)
- Twilight Zone
- Twinkle Toes
- Twin Sisters, The
- Tympup (a)
- Ulkereien
- Unease
- Une Nuit au Cabaret
- Unpreventable
- Up She Rises
- Vergnugungspark
- Verve
- V for Victory
- Vibe Link (a, b)
- Volga Boat Men
- Waddle Cop
- Wah Wah (a)
- Waikiki Queen
- Walking Bass
- Waltz Elegante
- Waltzing Flutes
- Waltzing in Dreamland
- War Agitato
- Watch Out!
- Way West, The
- Weird Bridge
- West Side Rumble
- What Shall We Do the Drunken Sailor
- Wheels of Industry, The
- When Daylight Shines/Captain Lenoe's
- Where Dreams Come True (a)
- Whisper from the Past
- Wicked Witch, The
- Wild Panic
- With Tongue in Cheek
- Witty Fellow
- Woe is Me!
- Wonderland of Snow
- Wondrous Pastures
- Wooden Bear
- Worker's Symphony
- World of Sport
- Youthful Days