Music of Alabama

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Music of the United States
Local music
AK - AL - AR - AS - AZ - CA - CO - CT - DC - DE - FL - GA - GU - HI - IA - ID - IL - IN - KS - KY - LA - MA - MD - ME - MI - MN - MO - MP - MS - MT - NC - ND - NE - NH - NM - NV - NJ - NY - OH - OK - OR - PA - PR - RI - SC - SD - TN - TX - UT - VA - VI - VT - WA - WI - WV - WY

Alabama has played a central role in the development of both blues and country music. In addition the blues and country, Appalachian folk music, fiddle music, gospel, spirituals, mariachi and polka have had local scenes in parts of Alabama. The Tuskegee Institute's School of Music (established 1931), especially the Tuskegee Choir, is an internationally renowned institution. There are three major modern orchestras, the Mobile Symphony, the Alabama Symphony Orchestra and the Huntsville Symphony Orchestra; the last is the oldest continuously operating professional orchestra in the state, giving its first performance in 1955.

The state song of Alabama is titled "Alabama". It was written by Julia S. Tutwiler and composed by Edna Gockel Gussen. It was adopted as the state song in 1931.


[edit] Hall of Fame

The Alabama Music Hall of Fame was created by the Alabama state legislature as a state agency in 1980. A 12,500 square foot (1,200 m²) exhibit hall opened in Tuscumbia in 1990. There is also an Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame.

[edit] Styles

Gospel music, especially the Five Blind Boys of Alabama, has been especially influential in the state (see also the Birmingham Sunlights).

The state also has a Celtic music scene, which has produced bands like Henri's Notions, After Class, and the Birmingham-based harpist Cynthia Douglass, as well as a number of piping bands and promotional Celtic organizations.

Alabama is the leading state for Sacred Harp singing. The B. F. White Sacred Harp is published by the Sacred Harp Book Company of Samson, Alabama. The Sacred Harp/Shape Note Music and Cultural Center is located in Bessemer, Alabama.

[edit] Muscle Shoals

The studios of the Muscle Shoals area (Florence, Sheffield, Muscle Shoals, and Tuscumbia) figure prominently in the history of rock and R&B through the 1960s and 1970s. Fame Studios, Muscle Shoal Studios, Quinvy Studios, East Avalon Recorders/ClearDay Studio, Wishbone Studios, and more like them proved to be fertile ground for local musicians and international superstars alike. Artists like Aretha Franklin, Rolling Stones, Lynyrd Skynyrd and Otis Redding recorded there. The studio house bands have even become famous as The Fame Gang, The Swampers, The Muscle Shoals Horns and The Muscle Shoals Rhythm Section. One broke out on their own to become major stars, known as Shenandoah.

[edit] Musicians from Alabama

[edit] Members of the Alabama Music Hall of Fame

[edit] Other notable musicians from Alabama

[edit] External links