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MusicXML is an open, XML-based music notation file format.

It was developed by Recordare LLC, deriving several key concepts from existing academic formats (such as Walter Hewlett's MuseData and David Huron's Humdrum). It is designed for the interchange of scores, particularly between different scorewriters. Version 1.0 was released in January 2004, followed by Version 1.1 with improved formatting support in May 2005. As of February 2007, MusicXML is supported to varying degrees by over 75 different notation programs, including the two leading scorewriting programs, Finale and Sibelius.

The MusicXML standard is defined by a series of document type definitions (DTDs) which are each freely redistributable under the MusicXML Document Type Definition Public License.

[edit] Example

Like all XML-based formats, MusicXML is easy for automated tools to parse and manipulate. Though it is possible to create MusicXML by hand, interactive score writing programs like Rosegarden and Finale greatly simplify the reading, writing, and modifying of MusicXML files.

The following example is a score consisting of a single, whole middle C in the key of C major.

 <?xml version="1.1" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
 <!DOCTYPE score-partwise PUBLIC
     "-//Recordare//DTD MusicXML 1.1 Partwise//EN"
     <score-part id="P1">
   <part id="P1">
     <measure number="1">

What you get looks like this: c natural, clef treble in 4/4

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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