Museo Antropologico y de Arte Contemporaneo

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Museum of Anthropology and Contemporary Art (MAAC), near the breakwater.
Museum of Anthropology and Contemporary Art (MAAC), near the breakwater.
Tábara Exhibit at the MAAC in Guayaquil, 2004-2005.
Tábara Exhibit at the MAAC in Guayaquil, 2004-2005.

Museo Antropologico y de Arte Contemporaneo (MAAC) is a state-of-the-art museum in Guayaquil, Ecuador celebrating Ecuadorian, Latin American and Pre-Colombian art and culture. MAAC is a welcome addition to Malécon, the renovated riverwalk in Guayaquil. Inaugurated on 30 July 2003, MAAC aims to constitute itself in a catalyst for the development of the local, regional and national artistic culture.

MAAC's mission is to harness the institutional cultural patrimony, by showcasing a valuable collection of 50,000 native Ecuadorian archaeological pieces and over 3,000 modern works of art.

The MAAC offers many integrated programs that include exhibitions, conferences, round tables, factories, projections of cinema, scenic arts, through which it aims to fulfil the challenges of putting the cultural patrimony to the service of the development of the Country and to help in cultural education of the community, on the base of a permanent interchange, stimulating the reflection and fomenting the critical conscience of a diverse community.

[edit] Past exhibitions

[edit] External links