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For the biological Musca genus, see Housefly.
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Abbreviation: Mus
Genitive: Muscae
Symbology: the Fly
Right ascension: 12h 27m 36s h
Declination: −70° 20' 24°
Area: 138 sq. deg. (77th)
Main stars: 6
Bayer/Flamsteed stars:
Stars with known planets: 0+0+1=1
Bright stars: 1
Nearby stars: 1
Brightest star: α Mus (2.69m)
Nearest star: δ Mus (90.8 ly ly)
Messier objects: none
Meteor showers:  ?????
Bordering constellations: Apus
Visible at latitudes between +10° and −90°
Best visible at 21:00 (9 p.m.) during the month of May

Musca (IPA: /ˈmʊskə/, Latin: fly) is one of the minor southern constellations. The constellation was one of twelve constellations created by Pieter Dirkszoon Keyser and Frederick de Houtman between 1595 and 1597, and it first appeared in Johann Bayer's Uranometria of 1603.


[edit] Notable objects

The soft X-ray transient Nova Muscae 1991 is a binary object consisting of a star and a black hole. During the 1991 outburst which led to its discovery, radiation was produced through a process of positron annihilation. Musca also contains the unusual planetary nebula NGC 5189, located about 3,000 light years from earth. Its uniquely complex structure resembles a miniature crab nebula. Also within the constellation is the Hourglass Nebula (MyCn 18) at a distance of 8,000 light years. The comparatively old globular cluster NGC 4833 near Delta Muscae is 21,200 light years distant and somewhat obscured by dust clouds near the galactic plane. The globular cluster NGC 4372 near Gamma Muscae is fainter and likewise partially obscured by dust, but spans more arc minutes.

[edit] History

Musca, under its original name Apisthe Bee, was introduced in the 17th century by Johann Bayer to fill the previously area around the southern pole. It was unknown to classical and early cultures, and they produced no mythology concerning it. In 1752 Nicolas Louis de Lacaille renamed it to Musca Australis, the Southern Fly – Australis, since it counterparted the now discarded constellation of Musca Borealis composed of a few stars in Aries. Today the name is simply Musca. [1]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Shane Horvatin – Obsolete Constellations: Apis

[edit] External links

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