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Dnyaneshwar Vidyapeeth

DV {Dnyaneshwar Vidyapeeth} an experiment in open education varsity, was started by Dr. M D Apte in 1980. The main motto of DV is "education is the birth right of each and every individual". At that time, there were only a few institutions in Maharashtra providing engineering and medical courses while the number of student desirous of seeking admission to these courses, was far too large. DV therefore came forward to provide an opportunity to all such students to pursue their desired education. Situation has changed now. There are many similar institutions, but DV has not lost its relevance because the current system still makes this education too expensive and entry criteria pre-requisites deprive many students from technical education. DV has maintained its autonomous structure to maintain its dynamic nature and to provide education to those, who are denied the right to get desired education. Its Trying to become an unaided Private university till then its autonomous varsity. P.HD,BE/MTECH/Diploma in engineering is provided.It is located in Pune INDIA, Vidyapeeth means university in Marathi the indian regional language. Dnyaneshwar Vidyapeeth is facing problems since 2006 and has been a transformed in to a trust till it clears the 2006 scandal after the dead of Dr.Apte it was handed to Hon.M.Jodhi ex.CM of Maharasgta state. Students took the DV university to court for increasing the fees and not corporating with India GOvt's UGC departement for making it run as proper university. It didnt pay the nominal GOVT Fare to Run a university and Tried a scandal of funds. Now its a Educational Trust till it clears itslef from the charges of Fee scandals on it. its a 28 years old experiments in virtual university frist time in india. ICFAI follows later in court for the same charges.