Murat & Jose

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Murat & Jose is a Slovene hip hop duo. Murat and Jose were both born in 1978 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Together with Nikolovski they were performing some time under the name Nedotakljivi (The Untouchables). Together they have published one of their tapes on the first Slovene hip hop compilation 5'00" of Fame za narodov blagor (5'00" of Fame for the National Welfare).

The album V besedi je moč (The power is in the word) from 2002 is their first fruit. Some chosen ones have contributed their share: singer of a Slovene rock group Siddharta Tomi M. for a social conscious, actual single Od ljudi za ljudi (From people for people), tandem from Zagreb Bolesna brača for a song Na izi (On easy goin'), a vocalist from Kočevje Semo gave his part of reggae-balkan-soul (ragga banger) for Če hočem (If I want) and Dokler bova skupi (As long as we're together). Nikolovski collaborates with Neki ne štima (Somethin's wrong) and in V besedi je moč. On a single Kdo je gengsta (Whos' the Gangsta) mysterious Kemal Trofi & Jozafat occur.

The album was accepted very well as by expert critics as by the listeners. Good reviews in nearly all newspapers, the constant rotation of the first single SprediZadi (InFrontBehind) on all radio stations and specially of the second single Od ljudi za ljudi, of which music video was regularly performed on TV. V besedi je moč is namely a record which is totally different from all published Slovene hip hop albums. It does not include any curse, it is without regional/sexual/between band provocations, without any detailed descriptions of heroic deeds on the edge of the law or without any aimless wanderings about forbidden substances.

Murat & Jose appeared in the past as predrivers of Das Efx and Afu-Raju from New York and together with Heavy Les Wanted on the festival Breakbeatnikk.

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