Municipalities of Chile
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A municipality is the legal entity responsible for running the smallest administrative subdivision in Chile called a (comuna) or commune. Each municipality is governed by a directly-elected body (municipalidad), consisting of one mayor (alcalde) and a group of councillors (concejales), for a period of four years. Chilean law provides for grouping several communes together for administration by a single municipality. As of 2007 the communes of Antártica, Chile and Cabo de Hornos are the only group administered by a single municipality — Cabo de Hornos.
Chile's 345 municipalities operate within 53 provinces[1] (, which are themselves part of 15 regions.
[edit] List of municipalities
[edit] I - Tarapacá Region
[edit] Iquique Province
- Iquique: Administers the commune of Iquique which contains the city of Iquique, the village of Chanavayita, and 23 hamlets.
- Camiña
- Colchane
- Huara
- Pica: Administers the commune of Pica, which contains the towns of Pica and Collaguasi, villages of Matilla and Quebrada Blanca and 5 hamlets.
- Pozo Almonte
- Alto Hospicio
[edit] Arica Province
- Arica
- Camarones
[edit] Parinacota Province
[edit] II - Antofagasta Region
[edit] Antofagasta Province
- Antofagasta
- Mejillones
- Sierra Gorda
- Taltal
[edit] El Loa Province
- Calama
- Ollagüe
- San Pedro de Atacama
[edit] Tocopilla Province
- Tocopilla
- María Elena
[edit] III - Atacama Region
[edit] Copiapó Province
[edit] Chañaral Province
- Chañaral
- Diego de Almagro
[edit] Huasco Province
- Vallenar
- Alto del Carmen
- Freirina
- Huasco
[edit] IV - Coquimbo Region
[edit] Elqui Province
[edit] Choapa Province
[edit] Limarí Province
- Ovalle
- Combarbalá
- Monte Patria
- Punitaqui
- Río Hurtado
[edit] V - Valparaíso Region
[edit] Valparaíso Province
- Valparaíso
- Casablanca
- Concón
- Juan Fernández
- Puchuncaví
- Quilpué
- Quintero
- Villa Alemana
- Viña del Mar
[edit] Isla de Pascua Province
- Isla de Pascua: Administers the commune of Isla de Pascua which contains the town of Hanga Roa and 1 hamlet.
[edit] Los Andes Province
- Los Andes
- Calle Larga
- Rinconada
- San Esteban
[edit] Petorca Province
- La Ligua
- Cabildo
- Papudo
- Petorca
- Zapallar
[edit] Quillota Province
- Quillota
- Calera
- Hijuelas
- La Cruz
- Limache
- Nogales
- Olmué
[edit] San Antonio Province
- San Antonio
- Algarrobo
- Cartagena
- El Quisco
- El Tabo
- Santo Domingo
[edit] San Felipe de Aconcagua Province
- San Felipe
- Catemu
- Llaillay
- Panquehue
- Putaendo
- Santa María
[edit] VI - O'Higgins Region
[edit] Cachapoal Province
- Rancagua
- Codegua
- Coinco
- Coltauco
- Doñihue
- Graneros
- Las Cabras
- Machalí
- Malloa
- Mostazal
- Olivar
- Peumo
- Pichidegua
- Quinta de Tilcoco
- Rengo
- Requínoa
- San Vicente
[edit] Cardenal Caro Province
- Pichilemu
- La Estrella
- Litueche
- Marchihue
- Navidad
- Paredones
[edit] Colchagua Province
- San Fernando
- Chépica
- Chimbarongo
- Lolol
- Nancagua
- Palmilla
- Peralillo
- Placilla
- Pumanque
- Santa Cruz
[edit] VII - Maule Region
[edit] Talca Province
[edit] Cauquenes Province
[edit] Curicó Province
[edit] Linares Province
[edit] VIII - Bío-Bío Region
[edit] Concepción Province
- Concepción
- Coronel
- Chiguayante
- Florida
- Hualqui
- Lota
- Penco
- San Pedro de la Paz
- Santa Juana
- Talcahuano
- Tomé
- Hualpén
[edit] Arauco Province
- Lebu
- Arauco
- Cañete
- Contulmo
- Curanilahue
- Los Álamos
- Tirúa
[edit] Biobío Province
- Los Ángeles
- Antuco
- Cabrero
- Laja
- Mulchén
- Nacimiento
- Negrete
- Quilaco
- Quilleco
- San Rosendo
- Santa Bárbara
- Tucapel
- Yumbel
- Alto Biobío
[edit] Ñuble Province
- Chillán
- Bulnes
- Cobquecura
- Coelemu
- Coihueco
- Chillán Viejo
- El Carmen
- Ninhue
- Ñiquén
- Pemuco
- Pinto
- Portezuelo
- Quillón
- Quirihue
- Ránquil
- San Carlos
- San Fabián
- San Ignacio
- San Nicolás
- Treguaco
- Yungay
[edit] IX - Araucanía Region
[edit] Cautín Province
- Temuco
- Carahue
- Cunco
- Curarrehue
- Freire
- Galvarino
- Gorbea
- Lautaro
- Loncoche
- Melipeuco
- Nueva Imperial
- Padre Las Casas
- Perquenco
- Pitrufquén
- Pucón
- Saavedra
- Teodoro Schmidt
- Toltén
- Vilcún
- Villarrica
- Cholchol
[edit] Malleco Province
- Angol
- Collipulli
- Curacautín
- Ercilla
- Lonquimay
- Los Sauces
- Lumaco
- Purén
- Renaico
- Traiguén
- Victoria
[edit] X - Los Lagos Region
[edit] Llanquihue Province
- Puerto Montt
- Calbuco
- Cochamó
- Fresia
- Frutillar
- Los Muermos
- Llanquihue
- Maullín
- Puerto Varas
[edit] Chiloé Province
[edit] Osorno Province
[edit] Palena Province
- Chaitén
- Futaleufú
- Hualaihué
- Palena
[edit] Valdivia Province
- Valdivia
- Corral
- Futrono
- La Unión
- Lago Ranco
- Lanco
- Los Lagos
- Máfil
- Mariquina
- Paillaco
- Panguipulli
- Río Bueno
[edit] XI - Aysen Region
[edit] Coyhaique Province
- Coyhaique
- Lago Verde
[edit] Aisén Province
- Aysen
- Cisnes
- Guaitecas
[edit] Capitán Prat Province
- Cochrane
- O'Higgins
- Tortel
[edit] General Carrera Province
- Chile Chico
- Río Ibáñez
[edit] XII - Magallanes y la Antártica Chilena Region
[edit] Magallanes Province
- Punta Arenas
- Laguna Blanca
- Río Verde
- San Gregorio
[edit] Antártica Province
- Navarino
- Antártica
[edit] Tierra del Fuego Province
- Porvenir
- Primavera
- Timaukel
[edit] Última Esperanza Province
- Natales
- Torres del Paine
[edit] RM - Santiago Metropolitan Region
[edit] Santiago Province
- Santiago
- Cerrillos
- Cerro Navia
- Conchalí
- El Bosque
- Estación Central
- Huechuraba
- Independencia
- La Cisterna
- La Florida
- La Granja
- La Pintana
- La Reina
- Las Condes
- Lo Barnechea
- Lo Espejo
- Lo Prado
- Macul
- Maipú
- Ñuñoa
- Pedro Aguirre Cerda
- Peñalolén
- Providencia
- Pudahuel
- Quilicura
- Quinta Normal
- Recoleta
- Renca
- San Joaquín
- San Miguel
- San Ramón
- Vitacura
[edit] Cordillera Province
- Puente Alto
- Pirque
- San José de Maipo
[edit] Chacabuco Province
[edit] Maipo Province
- San Bernardo
- Buin
- Calera de Tango
- Paine
[edit] Melipilla Province
- Melipilla
- Alhué
- Curacaví
- María Pinto
- San Pedro
[edit] Talagante Province
- Talagante
- El Monte
- Isla de Maipo
- Padre Hurtado
- Peñaflor
[edit] Notes
- ^ 2 new regions together with 2 provinces were legislated in 2006 and are to be functional by mid 2007.