Munib Younan

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Munib Younan is the Evangelical Lutheran Church Bishop of Palestine and Jordan since 1998. He was born in Jerusalem on September 18, 1950, and is married since 1980 to Suad Yacoub from Haifa, originally from Kfar Bir"im, (one of the depopulated villages of 1948.) They have three children.

He has an MA in Theology from Helsinki University.

He is President of the Board of Managers of the International Christian Committee (ICC) in Jerusalem.

On Nov 9, 2006, Bishop Younan released a statement, saying that "we are appalled and outraged by the indiscriminate disregard for human life exhibited by the Israeli Army in the past week in Beit Hanoun, [] This blatant disregard for innocent human life and extensive destruction of property constitute grave breaches of the Fourth Geneva Convention"

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Nov 9, 2006 statement: [1]