Multi-Purpose Logistics Module

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March 10, 2001 - The Leonardo Multi Purpose Logistics Module rests in Discovery's payload bay in this view taken from the ISS by a crew member using a digital still camera during STS-102.
March 10, 2001 - The Leonardo Multi Purpose Logistics Module rests in Discovery's payload bay in this view taken from the ISS by a crew member using a digital still camera during STS-102.
Raffaello module docked to the ISS during STS-114 mission
Raffaello module docked to the ISS during STS-114 mission
March 21, 2001 - Cosmonaut Yuri P. Gidzenko is dwarfed by transient hardware aboard Leonardo.
March 21, 2001 - Cosmonaut Yuri P. Gidzenko is dwarfed by transient hardware aboard Leonardo.

The Multi-Purpose Logistics Module (MPLM) is a large pressurized container used on Space Shuttle missions to transfer cargo to and from the International Space Station (ISS). It is carried in the cargo bay of the Space Shuttle and berthed to the Unity Module, where supplies are offloaded and finished experiments and waste are loaded. The MPLM is then reberthed in the Shuttle for return to Earth.

The MPLM is provided to NASA under contract by the Italian Space Agency (ASI). Three MPLMs have been delivered to NASA and have names chosen by the ASI to denote some of the great talents in Italian history: Leonardo, Raffaello, and Donatello. While built by ASI, each MPLM is owned by NASA. In exchange for building the MPLM, ASI receives access to U.S. research time on the ISS.[1]

The MPLM was originally designed for Space Station Freedom. Initially, it was to be built by Boeing, but in 1992, the Italians announced that they would build a "Mini-Pressurized Logistics Module," able to carry 4500 kg of cargo. After the 1993 redesign, the length was doubled and it was renamed the "Multi-Purpose Logistics Module." Each empty MPLM is approximately 21 feet long, 15 feet in diameter, weighs 4.5 tons, and can deliver up to 10 tons of cargo to the ISS.

Donatello is a more capable module than its two siblings, as it is capable of carrying powered payloads. It will only fly once, and it will be flown on STS-128. In this mission, Donatello will deliver equipment for enlarging the station crew from three to six astronauts.

With the early end of the Space Shuttle program in 2010, the three modules will fly just ten times based on the current schedule.


[edit] Completed missions

Launch Date Mission Shuttle MPLM
March 8, 2001 STS-102 Discovery Leonardo
April 19, 2001 STS-100 Atlantis Raffaello
August 10, 2001 STS-105 Discovery Leonardo
December 5, 2001 STS-108 Endeavour Raffaello
June 5, 2002 STS-111 Endeavour Leonardo
July 26, 2005 STS-114 Discovery Raffaello
July 4, 2006 STS-121 Discovery Leonardo

[edit] Scheduled missions

Launch Date Mission Shuttle MPLM
NET October 2008 STS-126 ISS ULF2 Atlantis Leonardo
NET January 2009 STS-128 ISS 17A Endeavour Donatello
NET July 2009 STS-130 ISS 19A Endeavour Raffaello

NET: No Earlier Than

[edit] Specifications

  • Length - 6.4 m
  • Width - 4.57 m
  • Mass - 4,082 kg empty; 13,154 kg loaded

[edit] External links

To learn more about MPLM:

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Components of the International Space Station

Already launched: Zarya | Unity (Node 1) | Zvezda | Destiny | Quest airlock | Pirs airlock

Launched periodically: Multi-Purpose Logistics Module

Scheduled for Shuttle: Harmony (Node 2) | Columbus | Kibō | SPDM | Node 3 | Cupola

Scheduled for Proton: Multipurpose Laboratory Module | European Robotic Arm | Russian Research Module

Other subsystems: Integrated Truss Structure | Canadarm2

Canceled or unused: Interim Control Module | Universal Docking Module | Docking and Stowage Module | Habitation Module | Crew Return Vehicle | Propulsion Module

Ships: Soyuz | Progress | H-II Transfer Vehicle | Automated Transfer Vehicle

See also: assembly sequence