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Mullahs in the court of a Qajar monarch, Iran.
Mullahs in the court of a Qajar monarch, Iran.

Mullah (Persian: ملا) is a title given to some Islamic clergy, coming from a corruption of the arabic word mawla, or maula, means both `vicar` and `guardian.` Depending on the circumstances it can be either a term of respect (a learned man) or abuse (a bigot and fanatic). [1]

In large parts of the Muslim world, particularly Iran, Turkey, central Asia and the Indian subcontinent, it is the name commonly given to local Islamic clerics or mosque leaders. [2]


[edit] Training and duties

Ideally, a trained Mullah will have studied the Qur'an, Islamic traditions (hadith), and Islamic law (fiqh). They are often hafiz, i.e. have memorized the Qur'an. However, uneducated villagers often recognise a literate Muslim with a less than complete Islamic training as their "mullah" or religious cleric. Mullahs with varying levels of training lead prayers in mosques, deliver religious sermons, and perform religious ceremonies such as birth rites and funeral services. They also often teach in a type of Islamic school known as a madrasah. In these respects, they perform duties in Islam comparable to that of the clergy of other faiths, such as priests, rabbis, and ministers.

[edit] Usage

The term is most often applied to Shi'i clerics, as Shi'a Islam is the predominant tradition in Iran. However, the term is very common in Urdu, spoken throughout northern India, and it is used throughout the Indian subcontinent for any Muslim clergy, Sunni or Shi'i. Muslim clergy in Russia and other former Soviet republics are also referred to as mullahs, regardless of whether they are Sunni or Shia.

The term is seldom used in Arabic-speaking areas, where its nearest equivalent is shaykh (implying formal Islamic training), imam (prayer leader; not to be confused with the Imams of the Shiite world), or `ālim (plural `ūlamā') (scholar; see ulema). In the Sunni world, the concept of "cleric" is of limited usefulness, as authority in the religious system is relatively decentralized.

The term is frequently used in English, although English-speaking Muslim clergy rarely call themselves mullahs. It was adopted from Urdu by the British rulers of India and subsequently came into more widespread use.

Mullahs have frequently been involved in politics, but only recently have they actually taken power. Islamists seized power in Iran in 1979, and later, in Afghanistan under the Taliban.

[edit] Usage as a derogatory term

[edit] Iran

Until early 20th century, the term mullah was used in Iranian hawzas (seminaries) to refer to low-level clergy who specialized in telling stories of Ashura, rather than teaching or issuing fatwas. Today, the term mullah is sometime used as a derogatory term for any Islamic cleric. It is common in Iran to refer to an ayatollah or other high level clerics, as a mullah, to ridicule his religious authority.

[edit] Pakistan

In Pakistan, it is usually referring to any person following the Wahhabi or Salafi school of Islam. People of these schools of thought customarily wear long beards, similar to those of high leveled clerics, and are referred to by the people as "mullahs" often in humor or ridicule. Amongst Shiites in Pakistan, youth who are attracted to this sort of outwardly display of religion are also referred to as Shaliban (Shia + Taliban).

[edit] See also