Muhassen Al-Asskari

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Muhassen Al-Asskari was held in extrajudicial detention in the United States Guantanamo Bay detainment camps, in Cuba.[1]

[edit] Identity

On January 7, 2007 the Yemen Times identified five of six Yemenis transferred from Guantanamo to Yemeni custody in early December 2006.[1] The names of four of those five men: Esam Hamid Al-Jaefi, Ali Hussain Al-Tais, Mohammed Ahmed Al-Asadi, Tawfiq Al-Murwai match names on the lists of captives the US Department of Defense has released.[2][3] However, the fifth name, Muhassen Al-Asskari does not match any of the names of Guantanamo captives the DoD has acknowledged holding.

[edit] Repatriation

Yemen's President, Ali Abdullah Saleh, demanded the release of the remaining Yemenis held in Guantanamo on December 23, 2006. [4] The Yemen Observer identified Mohammed Ahmed al-Asadi, Esam Hamid al-Jaefi and Ali Hussain al-Tais as three of the six Yemeni who had been repatriated the previous week. Al Asadi, the first of the six men to be released, on December 29, 2006, was asked to sign an undertaking promising to refrain from armed activity.[5] On January 7, 2007 the Yemen Times identified two of the three remaining men as Tawfiq Al-Murwai and Muhassen Al-Asskari.[1] Yemen's President, Ali Abdullah Saleh, said the men would be released as soon as Yemeni authorities had cleared them.

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b c "Ex-Guantanamo detainees in detention", Yemen Times, January 7, 2007. Retrieved on January 8, 2007.
  2. ^ list of prisoners (.pdf), US Department of Defense, April 20, 2006
  3. ^ list of prisoners (.pdf), US Department of Defense, May 15, 2006
  4. ^ Nasser Arrabyee. "Saleh demands release of Guantanamo detainees", Yemen Observer, December 23, 2006. Retrieved on December 29, 2007.
  5. ^ Nasser Arrabyee. "Guantanamo detainee released", Gulf News, December 29, 2006. Retrieved on December 29, 2007.