Muhammad Yamin

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Muhammad Yamin (1903-1962) was born in Talawi, Sawahlunto, in the heartland of the Minangkabau on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. He was the son of Oesman Gelar Baginda Khatib (1856-1924) the Penghulu of Indrapura. Oesman had five wives with whom he had sixteen children who make up a veritable but incohesive political and intellectual family in early modern Indonesian history. Other well known sons of Oesman are Muhammad Yaman, the eldest, an educator; Djamaluddin, who later in life added to his name his nom de plume, Adinegoro [1]; and Ramana Oesman (1924-1992), a pioneer of the Indonesian diplomatic corps.

In 1947, Yamin married Siti Sundari, daughter of a nobleman from Surakarta, Central Java, by whom he had one child, a son, Dang Rahadian Sinayangsih Yamin ("Dian"). In 1969, Dian married Gusti Raden Ayu Retno Satuti, the eldest daughter of Mangkunegoro IX, Sultan of Surakarta.

Muhammad Yamin was an historian, poet, playwright, and politician. He was educated at the Algemene Middelbare School (AMS) in Yogyakarta, majoring in history and Far Eastern languages, including Malay, Javanese and Sanskrit. Upon his graduation in 1927, he went on to study law at the Rechtshogeschool in Batavia, as Jakarta was known during the colonial period in Indonesia. The Rechtshogeschool, founded in 1909, is the precursor of the Faculty of Law of what became the Universiteit van Indonesie and, after the transfer of sovereignty, changed its name in 1950 to Universitas Indonesia, the premier tertiary institution in the country (Ref 1). Yamin earned his doctorate in law (meester in de rechten) in 1932.

He worked in Jakarta until 1942 specializing in international law. Yamin's political career started early and he was active in nationalist movements. In 1928, the Second Congress of Indonesian Youth proclaimed Malay (Bahasa Melayu) the language of the Indonesian nationalist movement. Through the organization Indonesia Muda, Yamin became an active proponent for Malay to become the national and unifying language. It has since been renamed Bahasa Indonesia and made the official language of the Republic of Indonesia and the principal vehicle for innovative literary expression.


[edit] Literary Legacy

Yamin began his literary career as a writer in the 1920s, when Indonesian poetry was marked by an intense and largely reflective romanticism. He was a pioneer in that art form.[2] Quoted below is the first stanza of his ode to the natural beauty of the highlands in present West Sumatra:

Di atas batasan Bukit Barisan

Memandang beta ke bawah memandang

Tampaklah hutan rimba dan ngarai

lagi pun sawah, telaga nan permai:

Serta gerangan lihatlah pula

Langit yang hijau bertukar warna

Oleh pucuk daun kelapa:

Itulah tanah airku

Sumatera namanya tumpah darahku.

(from Tanah Air)

Yamin started to write in Malay in the Dutch-language journal Jong Sumatra, the literary publication of the Jong Sumatranen Bond, a semi-political organization of Sumatran youth. Yamin's early works were tied to the clichés used in classical Malay. He debuted as a poet with Tanah Air ('motherland') in 1922. It was the first collection of modern Malay verse to be published. The credit for the first important modern prose in Malay belongs to his fellow Minangkabau, Marah Rusli, author of the novel Sitti Nurbaya which also appeared in 1922. Rusli's work enjoyed years of great popularity. The 'motherland' to which the title of Yamin's poem refers was not Indonesia but Sumatra, specifically the part that is called the Minangkabau Alam on the western part of the large island. In the title poem, Yamin stands on the hills near the town of Bukit Tinggi, the site of the prehistoric canyon now verdant with rain forest and paddy fields.

Yamin's second collection, Tumpah Darahku, appeared on 28 October, 1928[3]. The date was historically important, because it was on that date that Muhammad Yamin and his fellow nationalists recited an oath: One Country, One Nation, One Language, popularly known as the Youth's Oath (Sumpah Pemuda). The date is celebrated as a national holiday in Indonesia. His play, Ken Arok dan Ken Dedes, which took its subjects a pair from Java's history[4][5], appeared in one of the 1934 issues of Pudjangga Baru, the only literary publication that featured the use of Malay instead of Dutch. Yamin joined a short list of writers that chose to promote Malay, in a none-too-subtle rebuke to the predominantly Dutch-speaking indigenous intellectuals. His compatriots included Roestam Effendi, Sanusi Pané and Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana, founders of Pudjangga Baru.

In his poetry, Yamin made much use of the sonnet form, borrowed from Dutch literature. At that time among the major writers was the national activist Abdul Muis (1898-1959), whose central theme was the interaction of Indonesian and European value system. In 1936 appeared Pandji Tisna's (1908-1978) Sukreni: Gadis Bali, possibly the most original work of pre-independence fiction, which dealt with the destructive effect of contemporary commercial ethics on Balinese society. Distinctly innovative poetry had appearead in the 1910s. The European sonnet form was especially popular, but the influence of traditional verse forms remained strong. Although Yamin experimented with Malay in his poetry, he upheld the classical norms of the language more than the younger generation of writers. Yamin also published plays, essays, historical novels and poems, and translated works from such authors as Shakespeare (Julius Caesar) and Rabindranath Tagore.

[edit] Political Life

Yamin was active in the [[Jong Sumatranen Bond]] in one of whose forums he came to know Mohammad Hatta, Indonesia's first Vice President. In his early political activities, Yamin advocated the non-cooperative stance of the Indonesian Party (Partai Indonesia, PARTINDO) against the Dutch colonial administration, declining all invitations to join the civil service. He earned his living through writing and reporting.

Upon the dissolution of PARTINDO, Yamin formed the Indonesian People's Movement (Gerakan Rakyat Indonesia - GERINDO) in May 1937[6]. Other founders of GERINDO were A. K. Gani (1905–1958) and Amir Sjarifuddin (1907–1948). GERINDO's aim was to raise public consciousness of nationalist ideas by organizing the people. GERINDO's founding, however, also reflected a growing willingness on the part of many left-wing nationalists to cooperate with the Dutch. This willingness arose both from despair over the prospects for organizing effective nationalist resistance in the face of Dutch military and police power and from a conviction that collaboration against fascism (especially Japanese fascism) had the highest priority in world affairs. GERINDO hoped that through cooperation the Dutch would establish a separate legislature in the colonial territory. Shortly before the Japanese attack on Java, Amir Sjarifuddin received funds from the Dutch authorities to organize underground resistance. This movement was quickly ended by the Japanese. GERINDO, as all other organizations, were banned

Gerindo's willingness to work with the Dutch prefigured the postwar strategy of the Socialist Party — including that of Amir Sjarifuddin as defense minister and later prime minister of the Indonesian Republic — in making far-reaching concessions to the Dutch to obtain international recognition of Indonesia's sovereignty.

Yamin was elected to the People's Council Volksraad in 193(2), an advisory body created in 1917 by the Dutch in the Netherlands East Indies (now Indonesia). It opened its first session in May 1918. It served as a forum for the expression of grievances and lacked the power to pursue genuine reform. In 1928, it was transformed into a legislative body acting at the sufferance of the Governor General who held the power of veto on all acts of the Volksraad.

During the Japanese occupation (1942-1945), Yamin was appointed to the Advisory Board of the Center for People's Power (Pusat Tenaga Rakyat - PUTERA, not to be confused with the major political party in Malaysia opposed to the United Malays National Organization and the affirmative action Malay ideology of Ketuanan Melayu). The Indonesian PUTERA was a Japanese-sponsored confederation of nationalist organizations. PUTERA was established on March 9, 1943, with Sukarno as chairman. It had a seemy side. Sukarno played a major role to conscript Indonesian laborers romusha to serve the Japanese army. It is estimated that 270,000 Indonesian romushas were sent to the islands other than Java and Sumatra, as well as to other Japanese-occupied lands in Southeast Asia. The nobler ambition of PUTERA members was to continue the political preparations for eventual Indonesian independence. Concurrent with his role in PUTERA's Advisory Board, Yamin was appointed a senior official at the Sendenbu (the Japanese Propanda Office).

Yamin one of the six founding members of the Japanese-sponsored body investigatating the preparations for Indonesian independence (Badan Penyelidik Usaha-Usaha Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia - BPUPKI). He suggested to the Preparatory Committee that the new nation should include all the Malay-speaking world: not only the territories of the Netherlands Indies, but also Sarawak, Sabah, Malaya, and Portuguese Timor. On May 29, 1945 in one of Preparatory Committee's sessions, Yamin rose to deliver a speech on certain philosophical and political foundations and enumerated five principles for the nation that would emerge after independence. Those five principles Pantja Sila were later incorporated in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution.

Sukarno claimed that he was the author of Pantja Sila. He did summarize Yamin's text in a speech delivered in June 1, 1945, although the tenets were not in the order as originally read by Yamin on May 29, 1945. Most histories credit Sukarno for the creation of Pantja Sila. Pantja Sila, or in modern spelling Pancasila[7], is the state ideology of the Republic of Indonesia][8] and consists of the following:

  • Belief in the God Almighty (Ketuhanan yang Maha Esa)
  • Just and civilized humanity (Kemanusiaan yang Adil dan Beradab)
  • The unity of Indonesia (Persatuan Indonesia)
  • Democracy guided by the inner wisdom in the unanimity arising out of deliberations amongst representatives (Kerakyatan yang Dipimpin oleh Hikmat Kebijaksanaan dalam Permusyawaratan/Perwakilan)
  • Social justice for the whole of the people of Indonesia (Keadilan Sosial bagi Seluruh Rakyat Indonesia)

On August 17, 1945, Indonesia proclaimed independence and the next day, the Preparatory Committee tasked a commision of seven: Sukarno, Mohammad Hatta, Soepomo, Subardjo, Otto Iskandardinata, Yamin and Wongsonegoro to make the final and necessary changes in the national Constitution, which had already been written during the month before Japan's surrender to the Allied forces (Ref 2).

Yamin served in the cabinet of successive, post-colonial administrations, notably as Minister of Education and Culture (1953-1955)[9], Minister without portfolio (1957-1959)[10], Minister for Social Affairs and Culture (1959-1960)[11], Minister and Deputy Director of the National Planning Board (BAPPENAS)(1960-1962)[12] and Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Information and Director of BAPPENAS (1962 until his death)[13]. He founded many universities across Indonesia, including Universitas Andalas in Bukit Tinggi in his native West Sumatra.

The originator of significant ideas, Yamin dominates modern Indonesian political and cultural history. His ideas contributed to the political awakening and the surge in national pride in Indonesia.[14] His contributions to the political, educational and cultural development of Indonesia was recognized in the the years after his death. He was awarded posthumously one of the highest honors and made into a National Hero of Indonesia (Gelar Pahlawan National Indonesia).[15] In 1994, Dian Yamin's widow, "Tuti" Yamin donated all of Muhammad Yamin's papers to the National Archives in Jakarta.

Yamin died in Jakarta on October 17, 1962, some say of poisoning sanctioned by Sukarno and administered by his henchmen. He was buried with full national honors next to his father, in the family plot in Talawi, on the island of Sumatra.

[edit] Selected Works

  • TANAH AIR, 1922
  • SEDJARAH PEPERANGAN DIPANEGARA (History of the Dipanegara Wars), 1945
  • GAJAH MADA, 1948, history of the Majapahit prime minister
  • REVOLUSI AMERIKA (The American Revolution), 1951
  • TATANEGARA MAJAPAHIT (7 volumes) an exposition of the administration of the Majapahit Empire (V to XIV century AD).
  • NASKAH-NAKSAH PERSIAPAN UNDANG UNDANG DASAR, 1959 - a compendium and commentary on the proceedings of the deliberations leading to the promulgation of the 1945 Consitution.
  • PROKLAMASI DAN KONSTITUSI REPUBLIK INDONESIA (The Proclamation of Independence and the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia), 1951
  • KEBUDAYAAN ASIA AFRIKA (The Asian and African Cultures), 1955

[edit] References

  • (1) Cheng Han Tan et al., Legal Education in Southeast Asia, Asian Journal of Comparative Law v1(2006), No 1, Article 9. Free copy available at [16]
  • (2) Kahin, George McTurnan, Nationalism and Revolution in Indonesia, Ithaca , Cornell University Press, 1952. Available at Amazon[17].
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