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1884 Electoral Map
1884 Electoral Map

The Mugwumps were a political movement comprising Republicans who supported Democratic candidate Grover Cleveland in the United States presidential election of 1884. They switched parties because they could not in good faith support the Republican candidate, James Blaine of Maine. After the election was over, mugwump survived for more than a decade as an epithet in American politics, and the Mugwumps themselves continued many of their associations as reformers well into the 20th century.

New England and the northeastern United States had been a stronghold of the Republican Party since the Civil War era, but the Mugwumps considered Blaine to be untrustworthy, and a fraudulent candidate. Their idealism and reform sensibilities were novel and unusual against a backdrop of political corruption, commonplace in the politics of the Gilded Age.


[edit] Patronage and politics

Grover Cleveland
Grover Cleveland

Political patronage, also known as the "spoils system," was the issue that angered many reform-minded Republicans, and lead them to choke on Blaine's candidacy. In the spoils system, the winning candidate would dole out government positions to those who had supported his political party prior to the election. Although the Pendleton Act of 1883 established the United States Civil Service Commission, and made competency and merit the base qualifications for government positions, its effective implementation was slow. Political affiliation continued to be the basis for appointment to many positions.

In the early 1880s, the issue of political patronage split the Republican Party down the middle for several consecutive sessions of Congress. The party was divided into two warring factions, each with creative names. The side that held the upper hand in numbers and popular support were the Half-Breeds, led by Senator James Blaine of Maine. The Half-Breeds supported civil service reform, and often blocked legislation and political appointments put forth by their main congressional opponents, the stalwarts, led by Roscoe Conkling of New York.

James G. Blaine
James G. Blaine

Ironically, Blaine was from the reform wing of his own party, but the Mugwumps rejected his candidacy. This division among Republicans may have contributed to the victory in 1884 of Grover Cleveland, the first president elected from the Democratic party since the Civil War. In the period from 1876 to 1892, presidential elections were closely contested at the national level, but the states themselves were mostly dominated by a single party, with Democrats prevailing in the South and the Republicans in the Northeast. Although the defection of the Mugwumps may have helped Cleveland win in New York, one of the few closely contested states, historians attribute Cleveland's victory nationwide to the rising power of urban immigrant voters, amongst whom there was a perception that Blaine was elitist and possibly anti-Catholic.

[edit] Historical appraisals

Several historians of the 1960s and 1970s portrayed the Mugwumps as members of an insecure elite, one that felt threatened by changes in American society. These historians often focused on the social background and status of their subjects, and the narratives they have written share a common outlook.

Mugwumps tended to come from old Protestant families of New York and New England, and often from inherited wealth. They belonged to or identified with the emerging business and professional elite, and were often members of the most exclusive clubs. Yet they felt threatened by the rise of machine politics, one aspect of which was the spoils system, and by the rising power of immigrants in American society. They excelled as authors and essayists, yet their writings betrayed their social position and class loyalties. In politics, they tended to be ineffectual and unsuccessful, unable and unwilling to operate effectively in a political environment where patronage was the norm.

In a more recent work, historian David Tucker attempts to rehabilitate the Mugwumps. According to Tucker, the Mugwumps embodied the liberalism of the 19th century, and their rejection by 20th century historians, who embraced the government intervention of the New Deal and the Great Society, is not surprising. To Tucker, their eloquent writings speak for themselves, and are testament to a highminded civic morality.

[edit] Noteworthy Mugwumps

[edit] Origin of the term

Charles Anderson Dana
Charles Anderson Dana

Dictionaries often give the provenance of "mugwump" as a corruption of "mugguomp," a word from the native Algonquin language, meaning "person of importance" or "war leader." Charles Anderson Dana, the colorful newspaperman and editor of the New York Sun, is said to have given the Mugwumps their political moniker. Dana made the term plural and derided them as amateurs and public moralists.

The word appears in John Eliot’s Indian Bible, a 17th century translation of the Old Testament and New Testament into the Algonquin language, which was the first bible printed in the western hemisphere. For instance, in Genesis 36:15, the word is used to translate 'duke'.

During the 1884 campaign, they were often portrayed as "fence-sitters," with part of their body on the side of the Democrats and the other on the side of the Republicans. (Their "mug" on one side of the fence, and their "wump" on the other.)

The epithet goo-goo, a corruption of "good government," also originates in the late 19th century, and was used in a similar derogatory manner. Whereas mugwump has become an obscure and almost forgotten political moniker, goo-goo has been revivified, especially in Chicago, by the political columns of Mike Royko.

[edit] References

  • Blodgett, Geoffrey T. (1966). The Gentle Reformers: Massachusetts Democrats in the Cleveland Era. Harvard University Press.
  • Blodgett, Geoffrey T. "The Mind of the Boston Mugwump," The Mississippi Valley Historical Review, Vol. 48, No. 4. (Mar., 1962), pp. 614-634. in JSTOR
  • Blount, Roy Mark Twain's Reconstruction The Atlantic, July 2001.
  • Hoogenboom, Ari (1961). Outlawing the Spoils: A History of the Civil Service Reform Movement, 1865-1883. (1982). ISBN 0-313-22821-3.
  • McFarland, Gerald W. (1975). Mugwumps, Morals and Politics, 1884-1920. ISBN 0-87023-175-8.
  • McFarland, Gerald W.; editor (1975). Moralists or Pragmatists?, The Mugwumps, 1884-1900. ASIN B000FHABUC.
  • Sproat, John G. (1968). The Best Men: Liberal Reformers in the Gilded Age. (1982). ISBN 0-226-76990-9.
  • Tucker, David M. (1998). Mugwumps: Public Moralists of the Gilded Age. ISBN 0-8262-1187-9.

[edit] See also

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