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< User:Mporter | WWIV

I have accumulated a number of hypotheses about the motives and the secret history of the war on terror, theories that are seriously at odds with the views of just about everyone else. On this page I intend to review the rationality of these hypotheses, by comparing them with the conventional wisdom, and seeing which is more consistent with the publicly verifiable facts.

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[edit] Theories

1. Iraq was behind al Qaeda since 1993, and this has been known to the US government since 1993, but both Clinton and Bush chose to hide this from the American people (and thus from the world).

Issues - evidence; motive; people and methods implementing the cover-up. The role of WMDs in providing a public pretext for confrontation; the role of George Tenet's CIA in this.

2. The anthrax letters of 2001 were part of the 9/11 attack. The anthrax was supplied by Iraq, which got it from the UK's Porton Down biowarfare center in 1988, run at the time by David Kelly. Kelly did not commit suicide in 2003, he was killed by an insider before he could talk, in a recapitulation of the Frank Olson murder of 1953.

Issues - evidence of the 1988 transfer; who were its prime movers, who was in the loop; strategic motivation and context.

3. Iraq outsourced its nuclear weapons program to Libya, to evade detection; but Libya was simultaneously dealing with British and American intelligence, and played both sides until Saddam's capture.

Issues - relationship, if any, to "Plamegate".

4. North Korea sponsored the 1995 Aum Shinrikyo sarin attack.

[edit] Observations

One may suppose that the intelligence agencies of the world are full of people with hypotheses which are as baroque, paranoid, and removed from the public consensus, as these.

If facts this significant are being kept secret, it makes it very difficult to ethically evaluate the conduct of the war.