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[edit] History wasn't founded in 1998. At the very minimum it was 1997, but I'm almost 100% certain that it was 1996 that they started. For references, check the wayback machine on

[edit] Current status

the website seems to be up and running now?! olivier 10:33, Jun 17, 2004 (UTC)

Where is info about today?

Perhaps this should titled (former)

Or "Classic" or "Original"? Seriously, do the new version and the old version of need an articles of their own? Or would it make more sense to have one article with a section for the original service and a section for the current one? -- Logotu 15:20, 10 Mar 2005 (UTC)

Does anyone have an idea what CNET or Vivendi did with the huge collection of songs on their servers? It'd be interesting to find out what the legal status of these is. ralian 07:41, 31 August 2006 (UTC)