Mozzafar al-Din Shah Qajar

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Mozaffar al-Din Shah Qajar (1853January 1, 1907)(Persian: مظفرالدين شاه قاجارtransliteration: Muẓẓafari’d-Dīn Shāh Qājār) was the fifth Qajar dynasty Shah of Persia. He ruled between the years 1896 and 1907.

He is credited with the start of Iranian Cinema, the creation of the Iranian constitution, and often wrongly credited with the rise of the Persian Constitutional Revolution which took place immediately after his death. He is often remembered as a largely ineffectual ruler who often suffered from ill health.

The Shah in his final years.
The Shah in his final years.


[edit] Biography

The son of the Qajar ruler Nasser-al-Din Shah, Mozaffar ed-Din Shah was named crown prince and sent as governor to the northern province of Azerbaijan in 1861. He spent his 35 years as crown prince in the pursuit of pleasure; his relations with his father were frequently strained, and he was not consulted in important matters of state. Thus, when he ascended the throne in May 1896, he was unprepared for the burdens of office.

At Mozaffar-ed-Din's accession Iran faced a financial crisis, with annual governmental expenditures far in excess of revenues due to the policies of his father. During his reign, Mozzafar ed-Din attempted some reforms of the central treasury; however, the previous debt incurred by the Qajar court, owed to both England and Russia, significantly undermined this effort. He had to make up the existing deficit by contracting more unpopular loans from Russia, which exacted political concessions in return.

Like his father he visited Europe three times. During these periods, on the encouragements of his chancellor Amin-os-Soltan , he borrowed money from Nicholas II of Russia to pay for his extravagant traveling expenses. During his first visit he was introduced to the "cinematographe" in Paris, France. Immediately falling in love with the silver screen the Shah ordered his personal photographer to acquire all the equipment and knowledge needed to bring the moving picture to Iran, thus starting Iranian Cinema [1]. The following is a translated excerpt from the Shah's diary:

"....[At] 9:00 P.M. we went to the Exposition and the Festival Hall where they were showing cinematographe, which consists of still and motion pictures. Then we went to Illusion building ....In this Hall they were showing cinematographe. They erected a very large screen in the centre of the Hall, turned off all electric lights and projected the picture of cinematography on that large screen. It was very interesting to watch. Among the pictures were Africans and Arabians traveling with camels in the African desert, which was very interesting. Other pictures were of the Exposition, the moving street, the Seine River and ships crossing the river, people swimming and playing in the water and many others that were all very interesting. We instructed Akkas Bashi to purchase all kinds of it [cinematographic equipment]and bring to Tehran so God willing he can make some there and show them to our servants."

Additionally, in order to manage the costs of the state and his extravagant personal lifestyle Mozzafar al-din Shah was forced to sign many concessions, providing foreigners with monopolistic control of various Iranian industries and markets. One example being the D'Arcy Oil Concession.

Widespread fears amongst the aristocracy, educated elites, and religious leaders about the concessions and foreign control resulted in some protests in 1906. These resulted in the Shah accepting a suggestion to create a Majles (National Consultative Assembly) in the October of 1906, by which the monarch's power was curtailed as he granted a constitution and parliament to the people. He died of a heart attack 40 days after granting this constitution.

[edit] Historical anecdote

The Shah visited England in around 1902 on the promise of receiving the Order of the Garter as it had been previously given to his father, Nasser-ed-Din Shah. King Edward VII refused to give this high honor to him. A quick thinking secretary had a special medal made that resembled the Order, but was missing the Cross of St. George. He then had it sent to the royal yacht just in time for the Shah's arrival. The Shah was so enraged by the sight of the medal, though, that he threw it out of his yacht's porthole. As a consolation, the Shah was introduced to the King's tailor, Henry Poole and Co. on Savile Row. However, in 1903, the Shah was appointed a member of the Order.

Qajar Dynasty
Born: 1853
Died: 1907
Regnal Titles
Preceded by
Nasser-al-Din Shah Qajar
Shah of Persia
Succeeded by
Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar

[edit] References

  • Walker, Richard (1998). Savile Row: An Illustrated History
  • The translation of the travelogue in Issari's book: Cinema in Iran: 1900-1979 pages 58-59
  • [2] Iranian Cinema: Before the Revolution by Shahin Parhami.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links