Movie Battles

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"MB2" redirects here. For the NASCAR team, see MB2 Motorsports.
Movie Battles II
Developer(s) Movie Battles Developer Team
Publisher(s) Movie Battles Developer Team
Designer(s) Movie Battles Developer Team
Engine Quake III engine
Release date(s) B18 was released September 4, 2006
Genre(s) First-person shooter
Mode(s) Multiplayer
Rating(s) ESRB: Teen (T)
Platform(s) Windows PC, Apple Macintosh
Media Download Only
System requirements Identical to Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
Input Mouse, Keyboard

Movie Battles II is a team-based, last man standing multiplayer modification of the LucasArts/Raven Software shooter game, Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. The game pits one team of Galactic Empire/Separatist forces against the Rebel Alliance/Galactic Republic forces, either of which attempt to complete an objective (which varies from map to map), or to eliminate all members of the enemy team. It was featured in the UK edition of PC Gamer magazine, issue 152.[1]


[edit] History

The Movie Battles mod was started by RenegadeOfPhunk in 2003, the first versions of the mod were developed for Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, the previous game in the series.[2] It aimed for more a movie like and class based combat.[3] This first version of Movie Battles is the one that started it all.

[edit] Gameplay

Movie Battles II is a team based first-person shooter (although you may switch to third person) game, in which the player joins the Imperial/Separatist forces or the Rebel/Republic forces Each round commences with five minutes on the timer, with the two teams spawning in their respective spawn points simultaneously. The amount of starting/minimum points varies from server to server, but the maximum amount is 80, with the minimum amount of points being no lower than 4. Various tasks completed give points to the player to use for abilities, weapons, and Force powers.[2]

The scoreboard shows a list of all players, separated by team. If an enemy has purchased the "Reinforcements" skill, then each death they incur counts as a partial "frag" point for the player that fragged them.

Any players who are killed before the end of the round become spectators. They may follow certain players who are still alive or free-roam in the spectator cam, similar to other FPS like Battlefield 2.

[edit] Sabering System

The lightsaber combat in Movie Battles is changed from the base system substantially. Blocking and defensive moves are favored over Jedi Academy's "swing-spam". However, there are meters for both force pool and block stamina which deplete as the player intercepts incoming blaster and lightsaber attacks, respectfully. the movies.[4]

[edit] Objective System

Similar to Counter-Strike, Movie Battles uses an objective system, similar to Jedi Academy's Siege mode - however maps usually feature less objectives due to the last man standing nature of the mod. Objective types are usually variants on common themes,[5] such as "slicing panels" (ala Jedi Temple's beacon objective), or NPC guarding (such as Death Star, where players must take a Princess Leia NPC to the Millennium Falcon). By using such a system, it is significantly different from most Star Wars games, where the goal is often simply to kill everyone on the other team. (compare Battlefront II's FFA stylings)

[edit] Gametypes

Screenshot of Fully Authentic play on the level MB2_CMP_Arena
Screenshot of Fully Authentic play on the level MB2_CMP_Arena

[edit] Open Mode

In Open Mode, all classes on their respective sides are available to the player for selection. There is no limit to who may play what class. The players allocate points to the classes to give them skills and weapons.

[edit] Semi-Authentic

In Semi-Authentic, the classes are limited to choosing the "skins" of the people who actually appeared within the time-period that the map takes place in. Players may still allocate points as they deem fit.

[edit] Full Authentic

In Full Authentic, or FA, there is one "unlimited" class, and numerous numbered classes. Choosing a numbered class while it reads "zero" places you in a queue, in which you play as the unlimited class until the spot opens up. The numbered classes correspond to certain characters in the movies. (IE: Tantive IV has Stormtroopers/Rebel Troopers for the Unlimited Class. Imperials have a Darth Vader limited class, while the Rebels have access to Princess Leia.)

[edit] Classes

Movie Battles II is a class-based game. Some classes are available for one side only while some classes are available for both sides. (i.e Sith class is available only for Imperials while both sides can choose Soldier class.[6]

[edit] Rebellion/Republic classes

[edit] Clone troopers

Clone troopers have access to a powerful rifle, in addition to a pistol which, when charged, has ricochet capabilities. The rifle excels at suppressive fire, and can be upgraded to fire charged blasts which knock down opponents.

[edit] Wookiees

The Wookiees have a powerful bowcaster, which must be upgraded to unlock its full potential. The Wookiee can purchase a considerable amount of HP with points, do substantial melee damage, and even stop offensive force powers from working.

[edit] Heroes

The Hero has access to the Projectile Rifle, a high powered sniper rifle. The Hero can purchase a powerful Pistol, which has great accuracy and power, but a low rate of fire. The Hero can also purchase an E-11. With the Quickthrow ability, the Hero can throw a grenade without switching weapons. The Heal ability allows the Hero to auto-heal, depending on the level of damage already taken. The Dodge ability automatically dodges incoming projectiles.

[edit] ARC Trooper

ARC troopers have the ability to dual-wield strong pistols which can be charged to ricochet off walls. In addition, they have access to the Dexterity ability. The blue bar at the right screen measures the player's ability to do acrobatic maneuvers. Dexterity also introduces an innate defence to some Force Power abilities. The ARC also has access to the PLX and the Pulse Grenade. The PLX is a powerful rocket launcher, and the Pulse Grenade is an ammo draining and droid-disabling suppression weapon. The ARC can also sprint which makes him faster, and quick-dive for quick escapes.

[edit] Imperials/Separatists

Only the Imperials have access to the below classes.

[edit] Mandalorian

The purchase of Fuel allows the Mandalorian to either activate his jetpack or spray flames at enemies. The Jetpack must cool down after every flight due to its heat retaining nature. The Mandalorians have access to an EE-3, dual Westar pistols, and a projectile rifle. With the purchase of a Rocket, a Mandalorian can launch a single rocket at his foes.

[edit] Super battle droids

The Super battle droid has a battery that increases damage resistance and rate of fire. As the battery drains, so does the effectiveness of the SBD. Upgrades are available to increase HP, battery charge rate, fire speed and damage, and to add a zoom and "quick recharge" mode for the battery. The SBD can also slap opponents to knock them down.

[edit] Droideka

When deployed and stationary, the Droideka's shields are raised and it can withstand an incredible beating. Walking disables the shields, however. When moving, the Droideka rolls up into a wheeled mode, gaining an incredible speed at the expense of having no shields or offensive abilities.

[edit] Bounty Hunter

The Bounty Hunter has access to a wide variety of weaponry, at the expense of defensive capabilities. The Bounty Hunter has access to a large weaponry including a powerful pistol, an E-11 blaster, a DLT-20a assault rifle, a Projectile Rifle, and is the only class with access to the Disruptor rifle, an instant shot, chargeable sniper rifle. The Bounty Hunter also has access to the thermal detonator, which kills anything within its blast radius instantly. The Bounty Hunter can also fire a damaging poison dart and a tracking dart for finding enemies. They can also kick down opponents while wielding a gun, a skill exclusive to the Bounty Hunter class.

[edit] Both Teams

Both the Republic and the Imperials have access to the below classes.

[edit] Soldiers

Soldiers are a generic class, featuring no outstanding abilities other than their 3 purchasable reinforcements for a total of 30 points.

[edit] Elitetroopers

The Elitetroopers have a maximum of two lives and can pack a wide variety of weaponry from a pistol to side-specific assault rifles. They can carry more grenades than the Soldier. The Rebels may opt to pack an A-280, which functions as a carbine with single shot and burst fire modes, a medium range scope and solid damage. The Empire can take the T-21, a light repeater which fires slow, damaging shots or rapid, less damaging ones.

[edit] Jedi/Sith

The Jedi/Sith can use the Force on their foes, deflect enemy blaster fire, and cut enemy troops down with their Lightsaber. The chief difference between the two classes lay in two powers unique to each respective alignment. The Jedi get the ability to use force speed and Jedi mind trick on their foes, while Sith get Lightning and Grip. Mind Trick renders the user invisible to an enemy, but Jedi are forced to retract their lightsaber in this mode. In addition, the mind tricked opponent hears a sound indicating they have been tricked. The Sith lightning ability paralyzes an enemy, as well as draining HP and shields rapidly. Grip renders the enemy temporarily helpless while draining HP.

[edit] References

  1. ^ MovieBattles II Website: "Scan of the Article in the Gallery":
  2. ^ LucasForums - MB Goes Public Beta Thread:
  3. ^ LucasForums - The first MB thread:
  4. ^ MovieBattles II Website: "Art of the Saber":
  5. ^ MovieBattles II Website: "The Forms Of Combat":
  6. ^ Sky News article,,31500-13209702,00.html

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

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