Mountain States Legal Foundation

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The Mountain States Legal Foundation is a public interest law firm founded in 1976. The organization works through litigation and advocacy to further the cause of individual liberties, especially in the realm of economic and property rights. The organization represents clients on a pro bono basis, or, if not representing clients, files amicus curiae, or "friend of the court" briefs. The MSLF is involved in a number of cases involving the restriction, often through environmental regulations or federal laws related to American Indians, of the access to, or use (frequently commercial) of federal lands or private lands subject to federal regulation; other areas of emphasis include reverse discrimination, Fifth Amendment "takings" cases, including the use of eminent domain, and cases involving oil, gas, mining, or water rights. The foundation and its clients are frequently at odds with federal agencies and/or environmentalists. The organization employs eight attorneys and reports its annual budget to be approximately $1.6 million. William Perry Pendley is president and chief legal officer.

[edit] Bibliography

  • William Perry Pendley, It Takes a Hero: The Grassroots Battle Against Environmental Oppression (Bellevue, WA: The Free Enterprise Press, 1994). ISBN 0-939571-16-1
  • William Perry Pendley, War on the West: Government Tyranny on America's Great Frontier (Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, Inc., 1995). ISBN 0-89526-482-X

[edit] External links