Mount Pleasant (Australian Capital Territory)

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Mount Pleasant in Canberra overlooks the Australian Defence Force Academy and Royal Military College at Duntroon, Australia.

General Bridges grave: the consultant designer and architect was Walter Burley Griffin
General Bridges grave: the consultant designer and architect was Walter Burley Griffin

On the slopes of the hill overlooking the college is the grave of William Throsby Bridges, the first commandant of the college and one of only two Australian World War I soldiers killed in action or died of wounds who was buried in Australia. The other is The Unknown Soldier, disinterred from a French grave and buried at the Australian War Memorial in 1991. Bridges was the commander of the 1st Australian Division at Gallipoli. While touring the lines on May 15, 1915, Bridges was shot through the femoral artery by a Turkish sniper. Dragged to safety he was evacuated to the hospital ship Gascon where he died the following day. His body was returned to Melbourne where he received a state funeral. He was buried on 3 September 1915, on the slopes of Mount Pleasant. The grave was designed by Walter Burley Griffin, the designer of Canberra. It is the only permanent structure designed by Griffin ever built in Canberra. The memorial stone on the grave was unveiled in 1920.

On the top of the hill is a memorial to all ranks of the Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery.

Mount Pleasant is a gun saluting station from which Australia's Federation Guard provides 21-gun salutes on ceremonial occasions.