Mount Dolmed

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In J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional universe of Middle-earth, Mount Dolmed was a mountain in the Ered Luin or "Blue Mountains".

Mount Dolmed loomed over the only known pass from Eriador into Beleriand. It was here that according to the Dwarves two of the Fathers of the Dwarves, the founders of the Broadbeams and the Firebeards, awoke. Their descendants later established the Dwarven cities of Nogrod and Belegost.

Nogrod was established near and under Mount Dolmed itself, Belegost lay more to the south.

After the War of Wrath the Ered Luin were broken at the location of Mount Dolmed and an arm of the sea, the Gulf of Lune, broke through it. Mount Dolmed was completely destroyed together with Nogrod.

Mountains from J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium
Ranges:  Crissaegrim | Echoriath | Ephel Dúath | Ered Engrin | Ered Gorgoroth | Ered Lithui | Ered Luin | Ered Lómin | Ered Mithrin | Ered Nimrais | Ered Wethrin | Hithaeglir | Iron Hills | Orocarni | Mountains of Angmar | Pelóri
Notable peaks:  Amon Anwar | Caradhras | Celebdil | Erebor | Fanuidhol | Meneltarma | Methedras | Mindolluin | Mount Dolmed | Mount Gram | Mount Gundabad | Mount Rerir | Orodruin | Starkhorn | Taniquetil | Thangorodrim
Notable passes:  Aglon | Calacirya | Cirith Gorgor | Cirith Ungol | Cirith Forn en Andrath | Redhorn Pass