Morir Soñando

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Morir Soñando (To die dreaming) is a very tasty beverage of the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC made of oranges, milk, sugar and chopped ice. Sometimes vanilla extract is also added.

Okay so the recipe for Morir Sonando varies from Spanish culture to Spanish culture, from family to family, from person to person. So here is an accepted recipe that my family loves to drink.

Morir Soñando (To Die Dreaming)

2 large limes (or lemons) or (Oranges;Orange Juice) 8 Tablespoons of sugar 2 cups low-fat or fat-free milk 20 ice cubes or equivalent amount of crushed ice

Use three pitchers, large jars or similar tall containers. Juice the limes or lemons. Place the juice in one of the containers, adding sugar. Pour back and forth from one container to another until sugar is mostly dissolved.

Add half the ice. Large solid ice cubes will not work. If you don't have crushed ice, cracked ice or the kind of ice cubes with holes in the middle, you will have to crack the ice by hand. The best way to do this is with a heavy serving spoon. Place an ice cube in the palm of your hand and give it a good whack with the back of the spoon. Ouch!

Pour the ice and lime back and forth a number of times until it is very cold. Taste. It should be tangy but slightly sweet, like tart-sweet lemonade. Add more sugar if required, and pour back and forth some more to dissolve.

In the third, clean pitcher, place the milk and the rest of the cracked ice. Pour back and forth, using the second empty container, until it too is extremely chilled. Work quickly so the lime juice doesn't have a chance to warm up.

Quickly combine the milk and lemon, pouring back and forth a few times to allow it to combine and not curdle. Pour into tall glasses, discarding any undissolved pieces of ice. Serve with straws.

Serves 2

Of course if you want more just add more to the recipe accordingly.

Morir soñando recipe