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Morg from Silver Surfer V3 #109 1995 Art by Tom Grindberg.

Publisher Marvel Comics
First appearance Silver Surfer vol.3, #70 (August 1992)
Created by Writer: Ron Marz
Artists: Ron Lim (Pencils), Tom Christopher (Inks)
Alter ego Morg
Affiliations Heralds of Galactus
Abilities Endowed with the Power Cosmic, granting superhuman strength, endurance, stamina and the ability to channel powerful energy blasts through his axe

Morg is a fictional supervillain published by Marvel Comics universe, appearing as a herald of Galactus. Created by Ron Lim and Ron Marz, he first appeared in Silver Surfer vol. 3, #70 (August 1992).


[edit] Fictional character biography

[edit] Origin

Morg served as a herald of Galactus after Galactus' previous herald, Nova, was expelled for sparing suitable but inhabited planets from his hunger. Subsequently, prior to consuming his latest planet, Galactus was confronted by Morg; an executioner who had betrayed his own race by executing his own people for those that had defeated them. In the presence of the world-devourer, Morg showed no fear; instead exhibiting a respectful defiance. Impressed with Morg's demeanour and wary after losing several heralds to attacks of conscience, Galactus decided to employ with this most brutal and remorseless specimen as his latest herald.

Morg gladly accepted the task of being Galactus' herald. As a weapon, Morg wields a double-edged battle axe - previously used by him in his executioner duties.

[edit] Becoming Galactus' Herald

Two former heralds, Silver Surfer and Firelord, learning about Morg after discovering that Nova had left Galactus expressed their concerns to Galactus about Morg's low morals but were dismissed. Morg battled and easily defeated them both.

Seeking reinforcements, Silver Surfer and Firelord recruited the rest of Galactus' former heralds: Nova, Terrax and Air-Walker, whom they had to unearth from his grave and reassemble. During this time, Morg discovered a powerful pool akin to the Fountain of Youth on a planet he'd lead Galactus to. The pool enhanced Morg's powers exponentially before he returned to his master and the planet was destroyed.

The assembled heralds confronted Morg together and were easily defeated. In the battle, Air-Walker was severely damaged again and Morg killed Nova by blasting her in the back when he was thought to have been beaten. Galactus was not pleased with this, so he removed the power cosmic that he had imbued in Morg, leaving him with only the power he'd gained from the pool he'd discovered. In his weakened state, Morg was killed by Terrax. To repay Galactus the inconvenience of losing his herald, both Firelord and Air Walker volunteered to stay with him.

Months later, Galactus resurrected Morg to give him a second chance. Morg attacked Firelord and the newly rebuilt Air-Walker, easily defeating them both and nearly destroying Air Walker again. Morg then went off in search of Terrax to enact vengeance upon him, but in their battle they were ambushed by robots working for the villain Tyrant and were taken captive.

Morg, along with fellow captives Silver Surfer, Terrax, Gladiator, Beta Ray Bill, Captain Marvel, Jack of Hearts and Ganymede fought back against Tyrant and were easily defeated until the appearance of Galactus disrupted the battle. Morg had been incapacitated in the battle, like all those involved, save for the Surfer. Tyrant stated that everyone there could go free, except for Morg, for no other reason than to spite the world devourer.

Tyrant imprisoned Morg and continued to siphon off his Power Cosmic and store it into his orbs. Eventually Morg escaped and went back to his master Galactus and served as herald again for a brief time. In a battle between Galactus and Tyrant taking place in Silver Surfer (vol. 3) #109, Morg found the Ultimate Nullifier and used it to melt most of Tyrant's body then betrayed both masters by cutting off his own arm while he tried to escape the final nullification blast (Tyrant's drone attached itself to the Nullifier and Morg's arm thus not allowing Morg to separate himself from the Nullifier). His escape failed and the Nullifier exploded, destroying Galactus' ship and all aboard. Morg and Tyrant have not appeared since and are presumed dead. Galactus was believed dead for a while but has resurfaced since, first reappearing to feed off of the energies of Hyperstorm.

In the Annihilation: Silver Surfer miniseries, Morg is confirmed dead as Annihilus fails to retrieve the Power Cosmic from his corpse.

[edit] Powers and abilities

Morg was imbued with the Power Cosmic by Galactus, as he did with all his heralds. This allowed Morg to fly through space and granted him exponentially enhanced strength, stamina and durability. It also allowed him to fire blasts of powerful energy channeled through his axe. The mystical pool Morg submerged himself in boosted each of these abilities further, making him more powerful than any other single herald, perhaps even more so than the Silver Surfer.

[edit] Appearances in other media

Morg was to have appeared in the second season of The Silver Surfer (TV series). His appearance was in "Soul Hunter, Part 1". The Silver Surfer had to save The Universal Library from Morg and Thiran. Both are part of a race called the Sargs. The show was canceled, however, before Season 2 could happen.

[edit] External links