More Tribbles, More Troubles

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Star Trek: The Animated Series episode
"More Tribbles, More Troubles"

Captain Kirk and his furry friends
Episode no. 005
Prod. code 005
Airdate October 6, 1973
Writer(s) David Gerrold
Director Hal Sutherland
Guest star(s) Stanley Adams as Cyrano Jones
Year 2269
Stardate 5392.4
Episode chronology
Previous "The Lorelei Signal"
Next "The Survivor"

"More Tribbles, More Troubles" is an episode of Star Trek: The Animated Series. It was written by David Gerrold as a sequel to his original series episode "The Trouble With Tribbles".


[edit] Plot outline

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

While the U.S.S. Enterprise is escorting two robot ships loaded with quintrotriticale, a new seed grain for famine stricken Sherman's Planet, it encounters a Klingon battlecruiser in pursuit of a Federation scout ship. The Klingons attack the Enterprise with a new energy weapon when it rescues the pilot.

The pilot turns out to be Cyrano Jones, an intergalactic trader the Klingons desperately want, who is now selling genetically engineered Tribbles that do not have multiplicative abilities of their normal counterparts (They don't reproduce). While Kirk juggles dealing with the Klingons and tribbles (which have begun to grow to large proportions) Dr. McCoy descovers that while these "new" tribbles don't reproduce, they do grow large and fat as they eat. When the Klingons return, Kirk discovers that the reasons for the Klingons persuit of Jones is to reclaim an experimental tribble eater (the glommer) that Jones had apparently stolen from a Klingon planet. After learning of this, Kirk returns the glommer to the Klingons (And, unfortunatly for the Klingons, several of the genetically engineered tribbles, which cause the gromar to scamper away in fear) and McCoy injects the remaining tribbles on the Enterprise with a serum to slow down their Metabolic rate, so they can finally be considered "safe".

Spoilers end here.

[edit] Bloopers

Notable in this episode is an egregious blooper that occurred in a scene near the end of the episode. In this scene, a Klingon commander, in the midst of talking to Kirk over the viewscreen, suddenly appears on the Bridge of the Enterprise in front of that screen as if he were on the Bridge, but after the scene switches and then returns to him, he returns to being on the screen instead of in front of and outside of it.

Also, in a blooper less notable and before the viewscreen mistake, Kirk calls Cyrano Jones to the bridge. When Jones arrives, the doors behind him aren't attached to the wall properly. Half of them are in the wall to the right.

[edit] See also

[edit] External link