More Than Meets the Eye

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More Than Meets the Eye was the three-part series premiere for the 1984 cartoon The Transformers. The three-part pilot was originally known simply as The Transformers (with each episode referred to as "Day 1", "Day 2", and "Day 3" by Marvel/Sunbow), and was later re-titled More Than Meets the Eye, Parts 1-3.


[edit] Part 1

Part 1 first aired on September 17, 1984 on syndication.

[edit] Synopsis

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Finding themselves on a strange new planet, Earth, and far from their home of Cybertron, the Autobots and Decepticons continue what they will one day call the "Great War".

[edit] Plot

Skywarp and Thundercracker, flying through the skies of Cybertron.
Skywarp and Thundercracker, flying through the skies of Cybertron.

On Cybertron, Autobots Wheeljack and Bumblebee scavenge for energy, hoping to elude Decepticon guards. Their hopes are in vain, as three Decepticons engage them in battle on their way back to the Autobot base, Iacon. After a couple of close calls, they are able to get underground and out of the reach of the Decepticon jets.

Optimus Prime, knowing how scarce energy is on Cybertron, orders the launch of the Autobot cruiser, the Ark on a mission to find more energy. However, the Decepticon Laserbeak overhears their plans and alerts Megatron. Megatron orders his own mission, to follow the Autobots until they can be destroyed.

The Decepticons' plan to destroy the Autobots is foiled when two meteors collide, causing the Decepticons to lose the element of surprise. Megatron orders all Decepticons to board The Ark. The ship is then caught in the gravity of nearby planet Earth, where it crashes into the side of a volcano, rendering all the Transformers unconscious.

Four million years later, a volcanic eruption initiates Teletraan I's recovery sequence, repairing Skywarp as an Earth fighter jet. Skywarp revives all his Decepticon allies, who leave The Ark in search for energy. Teletraan I subsequently restores all the Autobots, and the "Great War" commences.

The Decepticons build a new base in a rocky valley, using materials stolen from a nearby construction site. Cliffjumper and Hound soon find the Decepticons. Eavesdropping reveals Megatron's plan to steal all the energy he needs to return to Cybertron and conquer the universe. Cliffjumper takes a wild shot at Megatron, thus revealing to the Decepticons that the Autobots have been revived as well.

The Decepticons ambush an ocean-bound oil rig, hoping to convert the oil into Energon. The Autobots arrive to stop the Decepticons, but their efforts are in vain. Megatron blasts out the support beams of the structure, sending all the Autobots and the human workers into the water. Megatron then ignites the oil, turning the wreckage into an inferno, leaving the survivors to die.

[edit] Notes

  • It is unknown if the three Decepticon jets shown blocking the Autobot's way at the beginning are intended to be Starscream, Thundercracker and Skywarp. Several generic-colored jets are standing with jets colored like Starscream, Skywarp, and Thundercracker, and the voices ("Autobots! Stop them!" and "After them!") don't match any of the three main jets. The two jets that pursue Wheeljack and Bumblebee are definitely Skywarp and Thundercracker, however.
  • Only the following Transformers are shown with alien vehicle modes, prior to being rebuilt to resemble earthen vehicles:
    • Wheeljack, Bumblebee and Jazz are shown as alien cars.
    • Thundercracker and Skywarp are shown as alien jets.
    • Soundwave is shown transforming into an unknown structure (possibly a communications tower), rather than his traditional cassette player.
    • Laserbeak, who becomes an alien bird in the episode, is the only Transformer to be given an alien robot form as opposed to an alien vehicle form.
    • Shockwave is the only named Transformer to never receive a new vehicle mode on Earth, and thus appears as an alien laser gun. Later on in the series however, other Transformers with non-Earth modes are seen, most notably Omega Supreme.
  • The entirety of the Decepticon forces are shown evacuating the Ark in this episode. Despite later animation errors that suggest otherwise, this consists of only Megatron, Starscream, Thundercracker, Skywarp, Soundwave, Reflector, and any cassette tapes (Rumble, Frenzy, Ravage, Buzzsaw and Laserbeak) that may be concealed from view.
  • Cliffjumper and Ratchet come to rescue Hound from a ravine. They are accompanied by an orange tow truck. While this truck bears a striking resemblance to the Autobot Grapple, Grapple does not otherwise appear until Season 2. Cliffjumper calls him by the name "Hauler", however no Transformer named "Hauler" is ever listed otherwise. (The most comparable Transformer is Long Haul, who is a Decepticon, green, and is not created until later.) This is also before the Autobots are shown to have made any contact with humans.
  • Near the end of the episode, the Autobots are shown driving away. Yet they appear at the oil rig from the air.
  • At one point, Megatron says the Decepticons must "suck this planet dry" to achieve their goals, which the three part episode demonstrates is not really the case. This may just be hyperbole on Megatron's part.
  • The episode ends with a preview of Part 2. While other multi-part Transformers episodes also refer to the episode by its title ("Next time, on The Transformers: The Ultimate Doom"), this episode is simply referred to as "The Transformers".
  • To some degree, by fans, this is only appearance of Decepticon Sunstorm.
  • When Soundwave prepares the Energon cubes they have the same sound as a lightsaber when its being ignited.

[edit] Animation mistakes

  • The three Decepticons in the beginning of the episode change color when they are shown at different times. Also, they are first shown through Wheeljack's eyes as being five Decepticons, though every other time they are shown as three.
  • As the Decepticons board the Ark, Optimus Prime is shown rallying the other Autobots to battle. What follows is supposed to be Megatron rallying his own troops to battle. The audio is correct, but the video is simply the Optimus Prime video repeated. This was fixed in the Generation 2 version by showing a small animation of Megatron speaking.

[edit] Part 2

Part 2 first aired on September 18, 1984 on syndication.

[edit] Synopsis

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The Decepticons, still intent on building a new space cruiser to return home to Cybertron, attempt to destroy Sherman Dam and raid the ruby mines of Burma in an attempt to hoard the necessary energy for their mission.

[edit] Plot

Megatron and Optimus Prime, battling atop Sherman Dam.
Megatron and Optimus Prime, battling atop Sherman Dam.

With the help of Trailbreaker's forcefield, the Autobots are able to escape the inferno and rescue all the innocent humans left by Megatron's attack. Two of the humans, Spike and Sparkplug, pledge to help the Autobots stop the Decepticons in their bid to conquer the universe.

Back at the Ark, Spike unknowingly smuggles Soundwave, disguised as a cassette player, inside the base. This allows Soundwave to learn what the Autobots know about Earth's sources of energy. When Soundwave is discovered, he manages to escape, but his companion Ravage is caught with the help of Gears's infrared beam.

Based on Soundwave's reconnaissance, Megatron plans an attack on Sherman Dam. The plan involves using Rumble's piledrivers under water to create a tidal wave, maximizing the energy output of the dam. This high output alerts the Autobots of the attack as it is in progress.

The Autobots fight back. Hound attempts to subdue Rumble, but is overwhelmed. Bumblebee and Ironhide divert the excess water to save several homes. The remainder of the Autobots take on the Decepticons inside the dam.

Optimus Prime and Megatron battle atop the dam, as most of the Decepticons escape with the Energon they came for. They are evenly matched, but Optimus Prime is distracted when Spike calls out for help, and Megatron knocks him into the water below.

After Jazz rescues Optimus Prime, the Autobots have a frank discussion about the future of their mission. Mirage expresses the desire to return home to Cybertron, while Huffer displays a lack of confidence in their ability to defeat the Decepticons. Optimus Prime insists that theirs is not a battle that can be ignored, nor can it be delayed.

The Decepticons make plans to raid the ruby mines of Burma, which would give them all the energy they would need. That is, until Starscream decides to test some of the energon they already have, thus depleting their supply to where they need two more raids, and eliciting the ire of Megatron even further.

Meanwhile, Trailbreaker eavesdrops on the Decepticons' conversation, and alerts the other Autobots to meet the Decepticons in Burma.

Armed with a bomb designed by Wheeljack, Bumblebee and Sparkplug enter the mines, hoping to bring them down on the Decepticons' heads. They set the bomb, but fail to escape before being caught by Skywarp and Thundercracker.

Optimus Prime, nervous about the fate of Bumblebee and Sparkplug, drives up to the entrance of the mine, sending his wheeled drone Roller in to investigate. As soon as Roller is dispatched, the bomb explodes, sending Optimus Prime rolling downhill.

[edit] Notes

  • Early in the episode, the scene is shown changing from the Ark to a similar looking shack nearby. This shack appears to have the same construction as the Ark itself, but is not a part of the ship. This shack is never shown in another episode.
  • When Hound submerges to pursue Rumble, he drops a face shield, implying he is susceptible to water.
  • The episode begins with a recap of Part 1 and ends with a preview of Part 3. While other multi-part Transformers episodes refer to the episode also by its title ("Next time, on The Transformers: The Ultimate Doom"), this episode is simply referred to as "The Transformers". The title "More Than Meets the Eye" came later. Originally, the pilot trilogy was simply known as "The Transformers, Part 1-3".

[edit] Animation mistakes

  • In the start of Part 2 Huffer says thanks to Brawn and says "Let's take off!". Instead, Brawn's lips moved.
  • In the recap of Part 1 at the beginning of the episode, a scene is shown where Optimus Prime is trying to lift a grate trapping Spike and Sparkplug. However, in Part 1, the grate was orange, while in the recap that same grate is shown as gray.
  • In the previous episode, the number of Decepticons is reasonably established. Frequently in this episode (especially during the Energon collection montage and the Burma sequence), many many more Decepticons are shown. These are almost always jets like Starscream, Thundercracker and Skywarp, but with different colors.

[edit] Part 3

Part 3 first aired on September 19, 1984 on syndication.

[edit] Synopsis

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

With the Decepticons about to complete their space cruiser and reclaim Cybertron, the Autobots pull out all the stops to keep Megatron from getting off the ground.

[edit] Plot

The Decepticons, aboard their new space cruiser.
The Decepticons, aboard their new space cruiser.

Optimus Prime, having reeled from the blast, settled upside down at the base of the mountain. The other Autobots checked on their leader, concerned until Ratchet gave him a clean bill of health.

Prime ordered the Autobots to dig into the remains of the mountain and find Bumblebee and Sparkplug, hoping they have survived. They had, and once they were found, the Autobots mistakenly believed their mission was at an end. However, the Decepticons also survived the bomb, and blasted their way free with almost all the Energon they needed to finish the space cruiser.

Ironhide, frustrated over another failure to stop the Decepticons, followed them into the air. Bluestreak followed to help him. Skywarp countered by teleporting behind them both, and blasting Ironhide out of the sky. Ironhide was rescued by Bluestreak, and Ratchet promised he would make a full recovery.

Hound and Optimus Prime devised a plan to trap the Decepticons. Hound carelessly talked about an abundant source of rocket fuel with Mirage within earshot of Ravage, and then surreptitioisly left the key to Ravage's cage within reach. Ravage escaped and informed Megatron of the rocket site.

Meanwhile, Starscream openly challenged Megatron's rule. Megatron dismissed Starscream, turning his back to him, infuriating Starscream to shoot Megatron in the back. Soundwave warned Megatron in time, who turned around just in time to block the shot. Starscream, left speechless, pleaded for his life. Megatron blasted Starscream in the arm with his arm cannon, sparing his life, but further dismissing Starscream's verbal challenges.

The Decepticons ambushed the rocket site mentioned by Hound. However, the site was actually an elaborate hologram created by Hound. The Autobots believed they had fooled the Decepticons, until the Decepticon forces turn out to be lifeless dummies. Megatron revealed to Optimus Prime that they were on to the Autobots' trick from the start, and that the real Decepticons were busy raiding an actual rocket site.

With the Decepticons on the verge of launching their new space cruiser, the Autobots massed all their forces and prepared for a final battle. They rolled out to the site of the space cruiser and encircled the base, giving the Decepticons no option but to stand and fight.

The Decepticons and Autobots engaged in fierce battle until Megatron, reeling from his fight with Optimus Prime, ordered all the Decepticons to board the space cruiser and prepare for blast off. The Autobots attempted to shoot down the Decepticons to no avail.

Optimus Prime, in a last ditch gambit, borrowed Sideswipe's rocket pack and launched off after the space cruiser. He was readily detected by the Decepticons, and was easily shot down with one of their artillery guns.

With the Autobots behind them, Starscream used the opportunity to make a final attempt to usurp power from Megatron. Megatron smirkingly reminded Starscream that if he were to destroy his leader, that somebody would in turn always be ready to destroy him.

As Megatron and Starscream faced off, Mirage, who had turned invisible and secretly boarded the ship, uncloaked and began destroying control consoles. Starscream turned to attack Mirage, giving Megatron the opportunity to shoot down his own usurper.

But Mirage's damage had been done. He abandoned ship, and parachuted down to rejoin his fellow Autobots, as they watched the space cruiser spiral down into the ocean beyond.

The Autobots returned to base and began to refuel. Every government in the world agreed to give them all the energy they needed to return to Cybertron, thinking that Megatron had been permanently disposed of. However, Megatron and the Decepticons were far from destroyed and merely lay in wait for their next scheme.

[edit] Logical errors

  • At the rocket base, the smaller Autobots disguised themselves as humans. However, these disguises can only be described as ridiculous and unbelievable, as even the smallest Autobot is twice as tall as any human, and the Autobots shown had red and yellow hands and heads.
  • Despite the heights the space cruiser certainly reached before the sabotage, Mirage parachutes down to exactly the spot where the Autobots were assembled.
  • The space cruiser is shown crashing into the ocean near the coast. However, later episodes show the cruiser is well far away from any coast line. It is possible, though unlikely, that the Decepticons reloaded their cruiser underwater.

[edit] Animation errors

  • As the Autobots report to Optimus Prime on Ravage's escape, Hound plainly speaks with Mirage's voice.
  • As the Decepticons board the space cruiser, several Autobots are shown standing on the ground below shooting up at them. Among them is Mirage, even though he is supposed to be boarding the space cruiser at that time.

Preceded by
Transformers episodes Followed by
"Transport to Oblivion"