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Monumentenzorg (English: "Monument Care") is a Dutch heritage organisation working for the protection and conservation of local, national and international monuments.

Monumentenzorg falls under the responsibility of the Dutch Ministry of Education and Culture. Various lists of protected monuments are available for the Netherlands. A World Heritage Site list is available, as is a Rijksmonument or National list of monuments, a list of Provincial monuments, followed by the list of monuments in cities kept by a local 'stadsherstel' organization such as Stadsherstel Amsterdam. Last but not least are local town efforts to protect buildings or areas of interest by 'schoonheids commissies'. Schoonheids commissies (rough translation: Beauty committees) are usually grassroots efforts to prevent the destruction of old buildings, something the Dutch do often and is a necessary evil for an over-populated country whose neglected buildings have a tendency to blow down in the wind or sink into the mud.

[edit] Monumenten dag

Once a year, all monuments are open to the public on Monument Day.

[edit] Type of monuments

  • Waterworks relating to hydraulic science
  • Buildings or structures of historic interest
  • Parks of historic interest, or ecological importance
  • Feats of engineering
  • Artistic sculptures
  • Historic Art collections
  • Old trees or old woods (in Holland it is rare for a tree to reach a great age)
  • War memorials

[edit] External links

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