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Montividiu is a small town and municipality in eastern Goiás state, Brazil. Montividiu is a large producer of soybeans and corn.

  • Population (2005): 9,077
  • Area (2002): 1,874,6 km²
  • Elevation: 821 meters
  • Became a city: 1989
  • Postal code: 75915-000


[edit] Location and Neighboring Municipalities

Montividiu is located in the Southwest Goiás Microregion between the Rio Verdão and the Rio Monte Alegre. There are paved road connections with Rio Verde, 49 kilometers to the south. The distance to the state capital, Goiânia, is 280 km. Highway connections are made by BR-060 / Abadia de Goiás / Guapó / Indiara / Acreúna / Rio Verde / GO-174. [1]

Neighboring municipalities are: Caiapônia, Paraúna and Rio Verde.

[edit] Political Information

In April 2005 the Mayor was Edson Bueno Coutinho and the Vice-mayor was Xisto Gonçalves de Oliveira. There were 9 council-members on the city council and there were 7,198 eligible voters in 2004.

[edit] Demographic Information

The population density was 4.48 inhab/km² in 2003. The population has increased by about 4,500 since the census of 1991. Between 1991 and 2000 the population grew by 3.67.%. In 2003 the urban population was 5,958 while the rural population was 2,438.

[edit] Economic Information

The economy is based on services, small transformation industries, public administration, agriculture, and cattle raising. In 2005 there were 23 industrial units and 99 retail units. There were 2 financial institutions: Banco do Brasil S.A and Banco Itaú S.A. In 2003 there were 10 agricultural units employing 44 people, 4 extractive industries employing 34 people, 16 transformation industries employing 103 people, 109 retail units employing 227 people, 18 transport units employing 130 people, and 4 public administration units employing 402 people.

In 2004 the city had 846 automobiles, 186 trucks, 121 pickup trucks, and 330 motorcycles.

In 2004 there were 41,000 head of cattle, 63,400 head of poultry, and 40,000 head of swine.

Montividiu is a large producer of agricultural products. In 2005 the main crops in planted area were cotton (3,931 hectares), rice (1,000 hectares), beans (1,150 hectares), corn (33,000 hectares), soybeans (116,000 hectares or 1,160 km²) and sorghum (30,000 hectares).

The Gross Domestic Product was one of the highest in the state, with Montividiu ranking 28 out of 246 municipalities.

[edit] Health and Education

In 2003 there was 1 hospital with 14 beds and 3 walk-in health clinics. There were 4 doctors, 0 nurses, and 1 dentist. The infant mortality rate was 17.77 in 1,000 live births in 2000, well below the national and state average.

In 2005 the school system had 14 schools, 98 classrooms, 166 teachers, and 3,271 students. There were no institutions of higher education. The adult literacy rate was 87.2% in 2000.

Ranking on the Municipal Human Development Index

  • Life Expectancy: 71.5
  • Adult Literacy Rate: .85
  • School Attendance Rate: .80
  • Per Capita Monthly Income: 383 Reais
  • MHDI: .794
  • Ranking in state municipalities: 14 out of 242
  • Ranking in national municipalities: 710 out of 5,507

Data from 2000)

For the complete list see

[edit] Sources of Data

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