Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

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The Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) is a not-for-profit oceanographic research center in Moss Landing, California affiliated with the Monterey Bay Aquarium. It was founded in 1987 by David Packard of Hewlett-Packard fame. Scientists, engineers, and institute staff conduct a wide-range of research projects. Moss Landing was chosen as the location for MBARI because it is located in the center of Monterey Bay, at the head of the Monterey Canyon, and is one of the most diverse marine-life areas on earth.

The institute is not open to the general public, but has an open-house once a year that the public is invited to participate in. Approximately 200 people work at MBARIā€”the operating budget is about $40,000,000 per year.

The institute operates three research vessels on a routine basis for both resident and visiting scientists and engineers. The R/V Western Flyer is a twin hull ship operating an ROV, Tiburon, through a moon pool in the center of the ship and is generally used for overnight cruises. Tiburon meanins "shark" in spanish, the ROV was named by engineer Daniel Davis after he noted the shark-like power and violent turbulence Tiburon expelled from her thrusters. The R/V Point Lobos operates daily with its ROV, Ventana. The R/V Zephyr also operates frequently and is used to deploy MBARI's AUVs.

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