Mons Pico

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Mons Pico is a solitary lunar mountain that lies in the northern part of the Mare Imbrium basin, and to the south of the prominent Plato crater. This peak forms part of the surviving inner ring of the imbrium basin. This ring continues to the northwest and with the Montes Teneriffe and Montes Recti ranges. This mountain feature was most likely named by Schröter for the Pico von Teneriffe.

The selenographic coordinates of this peak are 45.7° N, 8.9° W. It forms an elongated feature with a length of 25 kilometers (oriented northwest-southeast) and a width of 15 km. The peak rises to a height of only 2.4 km, comparable to the maximum altitude of the Montes Teneriffe. Due to its isolated location on the lunar mare, however, this peak can form prominent shadows when illuminated by oblique sunlight.

A smaller peak to the south of Mons Pico is designated Pico Β. This region of the mare is notable for a number of wrinkle ridges.

[edit] Satellite craters

By convention these features are identified on Lunar maps by placing the letter on the side of the crater mid-point that is closest to Mons Pico.

Pico Latitude Longitude Diameter
B 46.5° N 15.3° W 12 km
C 47.2° N 6.6° W 5 km
D 43.4° N 11.3° W 7 km
E 43.0° N 10.3° W 9 km
F 42.2° N 10.2° W 4 km
G 46.6° N 10.4° W 4 km
K 44.6° N 7.5° W 3 km

[edit] See also

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