Moniz Bandeira

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Luiz Alberto Moniz Bandeira
Luiz Alberto Moniz Bandeira

Luiz Alberto de Vianna Moniz Bandeira, 2nd Baron of São Marcos (Portuguese title), (December 30, 1935, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil) is a Brazilian writer, professor, political scientist, historian and poet.

He is one of the best-known scholars of Brazilian foreign relations and probably the most respected scholar in that field in Brazil. He graduated in Juridical Sciences, and also has a PhD in Political Science awarded by the University of São Paulo. Later he held the Chair of History of Brazilian Foreign Policy in the Department of History, University of Brasília. In 2006, Moniz Bandeira was awarded a Doctorate Honoris Causa by Faculdades Integradas do Brasil – UniBrasil (Curitiba-Paraná), and the Juca Pato prize was conferred on him, upon his election as Brazilian Intellectual of the Year (2005) on account of his book "Formação do Império Americano (Da Guerra contra a Espanha à Guerra no Iraque)". According to the political scientist Jan K. Black, of the Monterey Institute of International Studies, this book "is perhaps the most comprehensive account of U.S. undiplomatic history, its domestic economic and political underpinnings and its unacknowledged outcomes, to appear since the publication in 1979 of the Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman two-volume edition of The Political Economy of Human Rights."

Apart from "Formação do Império Americano", among Moniz Bandeira's best-known works are his 1973 classic "Presença dos Estados Unidos no Brasil (dois séculos de história)"; "O Feudo – A Casa da Torre de Garcia d’Ávila (Da conquista dos sertões à independência do Brasil" (2000); "Brasil, Argentina e Estados Unidos (Da Tríplice Aliança ao Mercosul" (2003): and "O Governo João Goulart – As lutas sociais no Brasil (1961-1964)", which was a best-seller in 1977-1978, and which is "the most complete analysis of the Goulart presidency", according to Professor Thomas E. Skidmore of Brown University (Rhode Island).

[edit] Biography

Moniz Bandeira started writing poems at an early age. His first book of verses - "Verticais" – was published in 1956 when he was 20 years old. In 1960, he published another book of verses: "Retrato e Tempo".

While a student of Law, Moniz Bandeira, in addition to his academic and literary activities, worked for important newspapers in Rio de Janeiro such as Correio da Manhã and Diário de Noticias, and intensely participated in political life as a socialist militant linked to the Brazilian Labour Party. When the 1964 Coup d'état overthrew President João Goulart, a member of that party, Moniz Bandeira left Brazil and went into exile in Uruguay. After his return to Brazil some years later, and though he was forced to lead a clandestine life, Moniz Bandeira did not stop his historical research and writing, while continuing to participate in the resistance against the military regime. Then, arrested by the Brazilian Navy, he spent two years (1969/1970 and 1973), as a political prisoner.

After being freed at the end of 1973, Moniz Bandeira went back to S. Paulo, where he became Professor at the Escola de Sociologia e Política de São Paulo. In 1975-1976, he won grants from, among other institutions, the Ford Foundation, to conduct research in Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay on Brazil’s historical role in the Río de la Plata Basin. In 1977-1979, he extended this research project to the United States and Europe, thanks to a post-doctoral fellowship awarded by the Social Science Research Council and the Joint Committee on Latin America Studies of the American Council of Learned Societies, New York.

Moniz Bandeira has been invited to lecture in the United States, England, Scotland, Italy, France, Holland, Germany, Sweden, Uruguay, Argentina, Cuba, Paraguay, Uruguay, Portugal and Brazil, and was visiting professor at the University of Buenos Aires, the National University of Cordoba, and the Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. He has also held visiting appointments at the University of Heidelberg, where he worked (1980-1982) as an Associate Researcher in the project "Co-operation and Conflict in the Rio de La Plata Basin" (carried out by Professor Dieter Nohlen at the Institute of Political Science); and at the Institute of Latin American of the University of Stockholm (1989), and the Department of Latin America History of the University of Cologne (1994).

Moniz Bandeira taught at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica, the Instituto Metodista Bennett, the Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro and the Fundação Escola de Serviço Público, in Rio, and was Chairman of the Instituto Estadual de Comunicação and the Roquette Pinto Cultural Radio of Rio’s State Government (1983-1987). He was also an Under-Secretary in Rio de Janeiro’s State Government, being its representative in the federal capital, Brasilia (1991-1994). In 1987, he moved to Brasilia to take up the chair of History of Brazilian Foreign Policy at the University of Brasilia.

He is married to Margot Elisabeth Bender, a German national, and has one son: Egas. Since his retirement, he lives with his family in Germany, where he was Cultural attaché at the Consulate-General of Brazil in Frankfurt am Main (1996-2002).

[edit] Honors

Luiz Alberto Moniz Bandeira has the Cross of Merit, First Class (Bundesverdienstkreuz Erster Klasse), granted by the Government of the [[Federal Republic of Germany, and is also Grand-Official of the Ordem do Rio Branco (Brazil) and Commander of Orden de Mayo al Mérito (Argentina).

[edit] Works

His has written prolifically and published more than 20 books. Among Moniz Bandeira’s books are:

  • O 24 de agosto de Janio Quadros (1961)
  • O Caminho da Revolução Brasileira (1962)
  • O Ano Vermelho – A Revolução Russa e seus Reflexos no Brasil (1967)
  • Presença dos Estados Unidos no Brasil (dois séculos de história) (1973, translated into Russian and published in the Soviet Union in 1982)
  • Cartéis e Desnacionalização – A experiência Brasiliera: 1964/1974 (1975)
  • O Governo João Goulart – As lutas sociais no Brasil (1961-1964) (1977)
  • O Expansionismo Brasileiro e a Formação dos Estados da Bacia do Prata (1985); translated into Spanish and published in Argentina under the title "La Formación de los Estados en la Cuenca del Plata" (2006)
  • Brasil-Estados Unidos: a Rivalidade Emergente - 1950-1988 (1989)
  • O Eixo Argentina-Brasil - O Processo de Integração na América Latina (1987)
  • De Marti a Fidel – A Revolução Cubana e a América Latina (1998)
  • A reunificação da Alemanha - Do Ideal Socialista ao Socialismo Real - (1992)
  • Estado nacional e Política Internacional na América Latina - 0 continente nas relações Argentina-Brasil - 1930 - 1992 (1993)
  • 0 Milagre Alemão e o desenvolvimento do Brasil: as relações da Alemanha com o Brasil e a América Latina 1949 -1994 (1994), translated and published in Germany by Verwuert Verlag (1995)
  • O Feudo – A Casa da Torre de Garcia d’Ávila (Da conquista dos sertões à independência do Brasil (2000)
  • Brasil Argentina e Estados Unidos - Conflito e integração na América do Sul (Da Tríplice Aliança ao Mercosul) (1993) (translated into Spanish and published in Argentina under the title Argentina, Brasil y Estados Unidos (De la Triple Alianza al Mercosur) (2004)
  • As Relações Perigosas: Brasil-Estados Unidos (De Collor a Lula) (2004)
  • Formação do Império Americano (Da Guerra contra a Espanha à Guerra no Iraque) (2005)
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