Mondo Magic

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Mondo Magic is a rather popular episode in season 3 of Cartoon Network's animated series, Courage the Cowardly Dog.

[edit] Plot

As Muriel is hanging out the washing, unbeknowst to her, she is being eyed by a stranger...Later that day, Courage discovers a magic kit outside the door and starts practicing tricks with it. Muriel is delighted and Eustace critical. After one of the tricks, many circus performers appear and a handsome magician comes in the centre. He makes the performers disappear and introduces himself as Mondo. He performs many impressive tricks, and with one, he puts Eustace inside the TV! Courage begins to get suspicious, and Mondo requests Muriel for his next trick. He puts a purple cloth over her head, then takes it off and shows her a mirror. Behind Muriel's glasses, her eyes are now on stalks and look alien. Mondo proceeds to leave, but Courage grabs him and rips off his disguise- Mondo is in fact a hideous monster. He says that by midnight, Muriel's transformation into a monster will be complete, and he will take her as his bride. Courage is horror-struck. Time moves along and Muriel is starting to look very monstrous. Mondo sits with her in the garden when Dr. Vindaloo(who Courage has summoned)arrives to check up on her. As usual he is very unhelpful, and gets on Mondo's nerves. Mondo transforms Dr. Vindaloo into a head of lettuce. Back inside the house, Muriel is beginning to transform even further and looks almost exactly like Mondo. Her mind is in an odd state and she tries to resist Mondo's power, but her mind is also becoming beastly, and she laughs at watching Eustace's torment on TV. Mondo says that the two of them are growing closer together. Courage decides that magic is the only way to solve this and tries some magic tricks on Muriel. He manages to transform her into all sorts of things, but not quite back to normal, and it is only four minutes till Muriel will be a monster permanently. In the end, Courage manages to trick Mondo and change Muriel back to her old self. He uses his magic to turn Mondo into a rabbit.

[edit] Trivia

This episode deals with severe mind-conflict when Muriel is transforming, which is rather disturbing for a Cartoon Network show.

Mondo proved to be a rather popular villain, although he has no other appearances. Some fans believe he should have appeared in 'Ball of Revenge'.