Mondial (language)

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Mondial is an international auxiliary language created by Dr. Helge Heimer, a Swede, in the 1940s. A well-developed project, it received favourable reviews from several academic linguists but achieved little practical success. Grammars and dictionaries were published in Swedish, French, English, Italian, and German.

[edit] Sample

"Tristan Bernard, le autor humoristique, havi un dia prendate place con un amico in un vagon de primerclase por andar a Versailles. Il alumavi imediatemente un bon cigar, que il comenzavi da fumar con un visible satisfacion. Alor un senior entravi i dicavi in un ton iritate a T.B. da gectar le cigar o da andar in un altre compartimente."

[edit] References

Pei, Mario. One Language for the World. Devin-Adair, New York: 1958.

Stenström, Ingvar. "Que pote nos apprender ab le alteres e ab lor experientias de un seculo?" in Ingvar Stenström and Leland Yeager (joint authors), Tema: Interlinguistica e Interlingua, Discursos public. Union Mundial pro Interlingua, Netherlands: 1991. In Interlingua.

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