Monash University Golden Key Society

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The Monash University Golden Key Society is the Monash University Chapter of the Golden Key International Honour Society. Chartered in 1996, it has a membership base of over 12,000 members (as of 2006), inducting approximately 1000 new members in April of each year. As with all other Chapters of the Golden Key Honour Society, entrance is via invitation, following an indication by the University that the student has obtained marks that place them amongst the top 15% of students from their faculty.

The Chapter is run by student volunteers, who form a committee comprising a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary. There are also a number of portfolio officers who organise events specific to their position, and a number of general committee members. The size of the committee varies each year depending on member interest. As of March, 2007 there were 26 permanent committee members listed on the Chapter's website.

The Chapter organises events that fall into 4 Portfolios[1]: "Academic", "Careers and Professional Development", "Community Service" and "Social and Networking". Previous events have included Colloquia featuring prominent speakers such as Sir Gustav Nossal, Careers Nights, Trivia Nights, Networking Evenings, Resume Writing and Interview Skills workshops and Charity events such as the Red Cross Doorknock. The Chapter has also sent representatives to the Golden Key Asia-Pacific and International Conferences in recent years.

The Chapter has the support[2] of the Vice-Chancellor Professor Richard Larkins, who endorses each new member invitation with an accompanying letter of endorsement. The Chapter is unable to be affiliated with the Clayton-based Monash Student Association's "Clubs and Societies" division, due to its selective invitation process. However, this has not been a concern for the Monash Student Union Caulfield (MONSU Caulfield), with whom the Chapter is a Registered Group.

[edit] Honorary Members

Prominent Honorary Members include:

Sir Gustav Nossal

Julian Burnside QC

Professor Allan Fels

His Excellency Judge Christopher Weeramantry

[edit] External Links

Monash Chapter Website

"Monash Memo" article describing an Academic Breakfast held by Monash Golden Key, featuring an address by Vice-Chancellor Richard Larkins (2005)

"Monash Newsline" article describing the 2006 Youth Forum

Monash Chapter 2006 Annual Review