Mola Ram

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Indiana Jones character
Mola Ram
Gender Male
Family Unknown
Portrayed by Amrish Puri
First appearance Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Mola Ram is a fictional character who appears in the 1984 film Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. He is the antagonist of the film and was played by Bollywood veteran Amrish Puri.

[edit] Temple Of Doom

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Mola Ram is the high priest of the Thuggee Cult that has recently reinstalled its influence and power in Pankot Palace, where they once operated before being destroyed by the British Army. Charismatic, ruthless and sadistic, Mola Ram leads hundreds of spirited followers in ceremonies of human sacrifice dedicated to the evil Indian goddess Kali. The ceremony involves a victim incarcerated in an iron frame being lowered into a cavern of lava, usually (but possibly not always) after having his or her still-beating heart removed by Ram. In the film, the removal of the victim's heart inexplicably does not kill him making Mola Ram the most supernatural villain of the series.

After Indiana, Willie Scott and Short Round are discovered in the temple, Mola Ram explains the Thuggee's motives and has Indiana swallow the blood of the Kali Ma and assist in the next ceremony, which involves Willie. However, when Indiana is awakened from his trance, Ram escapes and is then seen directing the Thuggees in flushing out the three protagonists. After escaping the temple, the three protagonists meet Ram again on a cliff where he attempts to recover the Sankara Stones from Indiana. However, Indiana severs the rope bridge while Ram is on it and they almost fall to their deaths in the crocodile-infested river below. Ram attempts to remove Indiana's heart but Indiana resists and, reciting an incantation, causes the Stones to burn. Ram grabs one as it starts to burn, lets go of the bridge in pain and falls and is eaten by the crocodiles.