Moinina Fofana

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Moinina Fofana (b. 1950 in the Chiefdom of Nongoba Bullom, Bonthe District, in southern Sierra Leone) was a leading general in the Kamajors militia and director of the Civil Defence Forces (CDF) during Sierra Leone's Civil war. He was considered to be one of the leaders of the CDF, like Samuel Hinga Norman and Allieu Kondewa [1]. He is currently indicted on charges of "Crimes against humanity" and "War Crimes" at the Special Court for Sierra Leone, which began on 4 June 2004. According to his indictment, he was the second in command with the CDF to Samuel Hinga Norman and principally in charge of logistic of the war as the Director of War. He is accused of implementing brutal tactics aimed at pacifing the RUF/AFRC alliance as well as the civilian population of the country.

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