Mohammed ben Mizzian

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Mohammed ben Mizzian (February 1, 1897 - May 1, 1975) was a Francoist general from Spanish Morocco (Beni Ensar, near Nador, in present-day Morocco).

[edit] Conduct in war

The behaviour of the moor troops he directed is seen as a paradigm of the exactions which still remain in the Spanish oral tradition. American Historian, John Wittaker, wrote that he "attended horrified" when Mizzian stated that two women who had been brought to him by his men "will not live more than four hours" once at the hands of his troops. In July 17th, 1936 he started the first battle of the Spanish civil war against the hidroplanes base of Atalayón in Melilla. The loyalist troops defending the post actually surrendered, the commanders were all executed the morning after and their burial place continues unknown. The chief of the base was commander Virgilio Leret Ruiz and the second lieutenants, Armando Gonzalez Corral and Luis Calvo Calavia.(3) [1][2]

[edit] Museum

In 2006 a museum was opened dedicated to Mohamed Mizzian.[1][2]

[edit] References

(3) 'ElPaís', 17/7/2006, pp.44

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