Mohammad-Reza Aref

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Dr Mohammad Reza Aref (Persian: محمدرضا عارف ‎ , born 1941 in Yazd) is an Iranian (Persian) politician and university professor. From 2001 to 2005, he was the First Vice President of Iran, under President Mohammad Khatami. He was succeeded by Parviz Dawoodi.

Aref was a chancellor of University of Tehran (19941997) and then the Minister of Post, Telegraph, and Telephone (PTT), a post later renamed to Minister of Communications and Information Technology, from August 28, 1997 to June, 2000.

He received the bachelor's degree in electronics engineering from Tehran University, and the master's degree and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and communication engineering from Stanford University in 1975, 1976 and 1980 repectively. His PhD dissertation was on the Information Theory of networks supervised by Prof. Thomas M. Cover. Until 1994, he was a faculty member of Isfahan university of technology. As of 2004, he serves as a professor at the Electrical Engineering Department, Sharif University of Technology. He offeres courses on cryptography and coding theory.

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