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[edit] Introduction

MOHA Chat is an open source chat solution available on GNU General Public License (GPL). MOHA Chat is developed on PHP, MySQL and Apache HTTP Server on server side. Server side scripts can run on both the Linux operating system and Microsoft Windows.

Web interface is written solely using Javascript and it is cross-browser compatible. Web interface is known to run smoothly on both the Linux operating system and Microsoft Windows.

The project was started during December 2006, by S.H.Mohanjith and launched on SourceForge in January 2007. With in one month of launching(in February 2007), it reached top 50 on the activity ranking out of more than 130,000 listed projects.

As of February 25, 2007, the current version of MOHA Chat is version 0.1b9.

[edit] Plug-ins

MOHA Chat comes with a collection of plug-ins that extend functionality of MOHA Chat.

There are 3 MOHA Chat plug-ins that are compatible with the current version of MOHA Chat:

  • Files 0.1
  • Rich Text 0.1
  • Smilies 0.1
  • Weather

[edit] Browser support

MOHA Chat Web Interface is cross-browser compatible. MOHA Chat and plug-ins for MOHA Chat has been tested on the following browsers to knowledge.

  • Internet Expolorer 6.0 on Windows
  • Mozilla Firefox 1.5.x, 2.0.x on Linux and Windows
  • Opera 9 on Windows
  • Konqueror on Linux

[edit] Who is it for?

MOHA Chat is mainly useful for any one who cannot afford to deploy a dedicated chat server but, a Web server capable of serving dynamic pages generated with PHP.

[edit] External links