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Mogget is a fictional being from Garth Nix's Abhorsen series of books. While a gender was never made definite throughout the books, Mogget will be referred to as 'he' throughout this article. He holds the form of a cat for the majority of time during the trilogy. He has a cutting, cynical wit and provides some haughty comic relief by ridiculing characters in the trilogy. He often hints at his origins (see below) but often seems unable or unwilling to discuss them. He is described as having green almond-shaped eyes and a red collar emblazoned with powerful Charter marks (magical markings). When he takes the form of an albino dwarf, the collar becomes a red belt.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details about the Old Kingdom series by Garth Nix follow.


[edit] Origin

Mogget was originally the Eighth Bright Shiner, and was then known as Yrael. When seven of the Nine chose to structure the world and Free Magic by creating the Charter, he chose to hide, remaining neutral. When the last of the Nine, Orannis, began his battle with the Seven, Yrael again remained neutral. For this inaction, he was enslaved by the Seven before they narrowly defeated Orannis, becoming servant to the Abhorsen, for all milennia.

[edit] History

Yrael was bound in the form of a small white cat called Mogget, which is only one of his names, as he remarks in passing. He has many other forms, but usually takes on the cat form. He has been known to take on the shape of a very small, short albino human with sharp teeth, a form that one of the previous Abhorsens forbade him to take in the presence of the Abhorsen. His binding spell was contained in his red collar, which contained Charter marks to warn others of his nature. An unwilling but helpful advisor, he saved and assisted numerous Abhorsens, including Sabriel and Lirael in their quests. Due to his enforced servitude, he harbored a great grudge against the Abhorsens, and on the few occasions he was released from his bindings, usually tried to slay them. It is also hinted in Sabriel that Mogget helped to build the wall. (See Five Great Charters)

[edit] Mogget's binding

Mogget's binding incorporated a means to re-imprison him via the use of a magical ring which could form a new collar. The ring is described as small and silver, with two claws coming out of the band to hold a small red ruby. When used, the ring would expand to a large size and constrict its target until a binding spell was formed by the ringing of a necromantic bell. It would then change in form to a collar or belt from which hangs a tiny replica of the bell used, and produce another ring for the next time that the target was released. This ring was used to great effect against Kerrigor in Sabriel. In the conclusion of Abhorsen, however, Mogget was finally freed by the bell Belgaer after he chose to help the Abhorsens against Orannis, who had once again broken free.

[edit] See also