Modra Lasta
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Modra Lasta is a Croatian magazine for children published monthly by Školska knjiga.
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[edit] History
First number was called Djeca za Djecu (Children for Children). It was made in Zagreb 1954. by Teacher Josip Sabolović and his pupils and the editor-inchief was decennial Blankica Veselić. The first number had only four black and white pages with a few copositions, pictures and songs made by pupils in it. Djeca za Djecu got very popular so in the next numbers pupils from other Zagreb schools and from another cities started to work together. Soon even adults helped and Djeca za Djecu needed another name. The most votes had Plava lasta (blue swallow), but since there was Plavi vjesnik (Blue gazette) it was renamed into Modra lasta (also blue swallow).
[edit] Lastan
Lastan appeared in Modra lasta 1969. He had its own column Sastanak s Lastanom (Meeting with Lastan) where he wrote about hobbies, games, better learning etc. At the end of the year readers sent questions for Lastan to answer. Lastan even appeared in comic in Modra lasta with his friends. Over the years Lastan became trademark of Modra lasta and the most famous character in the magazine.
[edit] Modra
Modra first appeared 2004. in the special 50-anniversary number. She was created by Robert Solanović and Darko Macan. The comic is always on the right side of the first page, vertically and has four frames. Modra has purple trousers, a black t-shirt and a blue hair with two ponytails. She works as a janitor in Modra lasta redaction. Her name means "blue".
[edit] Other
Modra lasta usually has four comics in one number, although they usually appear on the last page. First comic in Modra lasta was created by Stjepko Težak and Hortenzije Pavić. Later more comics were published in Modra lasta but the most famous were Lastan and Osmoškolci created by Ivica Bednjanec. There are also Borovnica, Modra, Gluhe laste and Kronike. Modra lasta also has Lastoskop (horoscope), psychotests and famous quotes (half of page).