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N1-Methyl-Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (MLD-41, 9,10-didehydro-N,N-diethyl-1,6-dimethyl-ergoline-8-beta-carboxamide) is a derivative of LSD. The 1-methyl homologue of LSD is has more of somatic than sensory effect, has fewer visuals and is less well accepted than LSD, with the range of dosages being from 100 to 300 micrograms. This indicates that it is perhaps a third the potency of LSD which is in accord with both pupilary dilation and reflex action. However, the cardiovascular responses are actually increased. Besides being less potent than LSD, it appears to have a slower onset but it is equally long lived. There is cross-tolerance between MLD-41 and LSD.
CAS# 4238-85-1
AL-LAD, ALD-52, BU-LAD, CYP-LAD, Diallyllysergamide, DAM-57, Ergonovine, ETH-LAD, LAE-32, LSD, LPD-824, LSM-775, Methylergonovine, MLD-41, PARGY-LAD, PRO-LAD