Mixer dance

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Gaskell Ball
Gaskell Ball

A mixer dance, dance mixer or simply mixer is a kind of participation dance for people who have some skills in social dancing. Mixers allow dancers to meet new partners, the beginners have a chance to dance with more advanced dancers, and people may quickly assess dance skills of other persons without fear of being stuck with a poor match for the whole tune.

During a song or several songs of a dance or dances well-known to participants (Waltz, Foxtrot, West Coast Swing, etc.), at certain moments new pairs are formed in a random way. Some mixer dances even have traditional names.

The descriptions of "mixing procedures" vary, however there are several common basic rules.

  • The basic rule of dance etiquette "thou shalt never say 'no'" is partially waived during certain procedures of the mixer: if you have already danced with the person, you may smile to each other and skip the choice. The reasoning is that the basic purpose of the mixer — to make people dance with many new partners — has the precedence.
  • In some mixing procedures dancers may get confused and miss a match, therefore often a "lost and found" place is designated (e.g., the centre of the dance circle), where unmatched dancers may find each other.


[edit] General mixers

  • A couple dances straight across the dance hall until they reach the opposite end. They separate, men and ladies each walking along opposite walls to the start end of the hall where they meet their next partners. The randomness in partner matching arises from the different speed of travel and often different numbers of men and ladies.
  • A couple dances a full round around the room and exchanges partners with these at the start point. Matching randomness is from the speed differences as well as from some chaos introduced at the start point.
  • Couples dance until the music stops, then all couples say goodbye to each other and grab next best partner who happens to be close by (Sometimes the slow ones have to run across the room to meet a spare partner).
  • Couples dance until the music stops. Then they separate and form two concentric "segregated" circles of men and ladies. As "mixing music" starts (something different from the dance danced), the circles walk in opposite directions until the mixing music stops. New partners are those who happen to stand opposite each other at this moment. If there is a disproportion between genders, the "unlucky" ones are encouraged to go and grab someone sitting or standing along the walls.
  • The same as above, only during the "mixing music" the dancers instead of walking do some simple kind of round dance with frequent exchange of partners.
  • A funny version of the above (observed during a folk Polka mixer in Lithuania): After some dancing the caller calls: "Guys inside (the circle), gals outside. Gals continue dancing, guys groom themselves." Then the caller calls "Guys, grab yourselves a pair". Then he calls: "Now gals inside, guys outside." (A pause of suspense...) "Gals continue dancing, guys groom themselves." (The joke is in the broken expectation: since in the second call "guys are outside", it would be expected for guys to dance and girls to groom themselves.)

[edit] Named mixers

  • The Paul Jones is a mixer dance popular in the first quarter of the 20th century. The Paul Jones may be called for any social dance. The Master of Ceremonies is selected, and at his signal all dancers join their hands to form a circle (or several concentric ones, if crowded), with ladies being to the right of their partners. At the second signal of the Master of Ceremonies the dancers repeatedly do the Grand Right and Left move, well-known in square dancing. As a result, the ladies move to the left (clockwise) along the circle, while gentlemen move to the right. At the third signal of the M.O.C. dancers dance with the partner whose hand they are holding at the moment. This procedure may be repeated "as the master deems it advisable". [1]
  • The Family Waltz is a dance mixer known in Scandinavian countries variously as Familjevalsen, Familie Vals, Familievals, etc. It is danced to the music of waltz. Basically, all dancers form a circle with hands joined, each gentleman does the balance with the lady to his left (called his "corner"), then with the lady to the right, then repeats the two balances then dances two tours of waltz (4 measures of music) with his corner and at the end passes the corner to his right (so that each gentleman now has a new corner). This may continue until the music ends or until a signal (e.g., when the caller notices that ladies passed the complete circle) [2]

[edit] See also

[edit] Referernces

  1. ^ Charles J. Coll, Gabrielle Rosiere, Dancing Made Easy (1919). The book online at the American Ballroom Companion
  2. ^ FamiljeValsen