Mixed/Dual Cycle

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Thermodynamic cycles
Atkinson cycle
Brayton/Joule cycle
Carnot cycle
Combined cycle
Crower cycle
Diesel cycle
Ericsson cycle
Hirn cycle
Kalina cycle
Lenoir cycle
Linde-Hampson cycle
Miller cycle
Mixed/Dual Cycle
Otto cycle
Rankine cycle
Scuderi cycle
Stirling cycle
Two-stroke cycle
One-stroke cycle
Bourke cycle
Wankel cycle

Dual Combustion Cycle (also known as the limited pressure or mixed or Sabathe cycle) is a thermal cycle that is a combination of the Otto cycle and the Diesel cycle. Heat is added partly at constant volume and partly at constant pressure, the advantage of which is that more time is available for the fuel to completely combust. Because of lagging characteristics of fuel this cycle is invariably used for diesel and hot spot ignition engines.

The dual cycle consists of following operations:

  1. Adiabatic compression
  2. Addition of heat at constant volume.
  3. Addition of heat at constant pressure.
  4. Adiabatic expansion.
  5. Rejection of heat at constant volume.